Chapter 8

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The next morning when I wake, my whole body is sore. It screams in protest as I force myself to sit up in bed. I glance at the clock and see that it isn't morning. It's three in the afternoon. Either way, I blink the sleep out of my eyes and see Sabrina standing at the foot of my bed, staring at me.

I start. "What are you doing in here?"

"Making sure you get out of bed and do stuff," she smiles innocently.

Sure, you weren't just standing there watching me sleep, because there isn't anything remotely creepy about that. 

"Sometimes I swear you were something spawned from Satan himself," I moan into my pillow.

She rolls her eyes. "Get off your lazy butt and get up."

I sigh in defeat, slowly pulling my body off my bed. Gently, I place my ankle on the ground only to have it scream in pain. Hissing, I jerk it up. 

"Oh, right. Sit," Sabrina nods to the edge of the bed.

I raise an eyebrow. She wanted me to get up to sit right back down again? What sense does that make? Either way, I sit down.

She pulls out some weird medical stuff and squats down next to my feet. Without telling me, she plunges a syringe into my foot. I hiss in pain but don't pull away. Soon enough, my foot goes numb She then wraps it thoroughly with some bandages. 

"Now, get up. You're having tea in thirty minutes with the Queen, Rose, and Alexa. You're maids are waiting in the bathroom," she instructs.

Sticking my tongue out at her, I get up and hop to the bathroom. Sure enough, my maids are waiting inside. After quickly styling my hair and makeup, they help me into a simple day dress. The navy blue dress comes to my knees and covers up my collarbone. But I thought...

"I thought we weren't going to hide the bandages?" I wonder.

Sabrina specifically said last night not to hide them yet, my maids are doing just the opposite.

"That's for dinner. You're only going to tea with the Queen, Rose, and Alexa. Two of whom are your closest friends. If they saw you're bandages then, they would immediately question you," Cecily says.

Okay, I guess that kind of makes sense. But my ankle.

"What about my ankle?" I ask, glancing down at the bandaged thing.

Josie smiles brilliantly. "The tea is going to be held in here. You'll be set up on the couch. We'll get the door and seat them and then lead them out. You won't have to move at all."

I smile appreciatively at them. I'm not too happy debuting my injuries at dinner. But at least at dinner, no one can flat out ask my what happened. They'll have to wait till after. Right?

There's a knock on my bedroom door and my eyes widen. Has it been thirty minutes already? Courtney helps me hop to the couches where I find the little table in the middle set up with tea and little sandwiches. Sabrina must have set them up. I get comfortable and then nod, letting Cecily know to open the door. She does and the Queen, Alexa, and Rose step inside.

"Welcome!" I smile from my place on the couch.

They take their seats, Rose and the Queen on the couch opposite me, and Alexa beside me.

"Thank you for having us," the Queen says.

I didn't even know I was having you till I woke up. Sabrina honestly needs to stop planning stuff and telling me at the last minute.

"It's my pleasure," I answer, taking a bite of one of the sandwiches even though I'm not particularly hungry.

We sit in an awkward silence. The Queen had no idea I was coming back. And now she's in my room having tea with me.

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