Chapter 2

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"How in the world am I supposed to get there?" is the first question that comes out of my mouth.

Not, "Really? You want me back?" or "I've missed you so much." No. The first thing I think of is how I'm going to get to England. All of the nervousness or butterflies or whatever are gone and I feel as if I'm Camry talking to Daxton. The way it was at the palace. Not Miss Camry talking to His Highness. Just Camry and Daxton. No titles.

"What?" Daxton says, sounding a little baffled.

"How am I supposed to get to England? I can't teleport there. I can't walk there or drive a car there. If I tried, I would drown," I point out.

"Well, how did you-uh-get to the states in the first place?" he stutters.

I throw a flat look at the wall. "I took one of your private jets back. I can't use that because it went back to England!"

"How did you get to D.C?" he questions.

"We used Devon's connections, you know, because he lives in D.C," I sigh.

Daxton doesn't say anything but I can hear him conversing with Sabrina on the other end.

"Buy them tickets!" I hear Sabrina demand.

"But I'd have to ask my father and then we'd have to run it through-," he starts.

"Don't you have your own money? Money that is solely yours?" Sabrina hisses.

"Unfortunately, no. And bringing her back would have to be a secret so-," he says but is cut off again.

"Fine, we'll use my money," Sabrina snaps and I can imagine her taking out her phone and making flight arrangements.

"What? I can't use your money!" Daxton exclaims.

I sigh. They're arguing about me like I'm not even here.

"Guys, stop," I say, tiredly but they continue to argue.

"Sabrina! Daxton! Shut up for a second," I demand and both of them go quiet.

"Daxton, you don't have any type of money of your own. Sabrina does. Suck up your pride and use her money," I demand.

I hear them talking on the other end though I can't make out words. Finally, they respond.

"Fine," Daxton sighs into the phone. "Sabrina's making flight arrangements for everyone right now."

I hear the phone shift and then Sabrina's voice filters into the phone.

"Okay, Camry, will tomorrow at 10:00 work?" Sabrina asks in a very business like tone.

"AM or PM?" I ask, thinking it's already well into the evening. There's no way we can pack and make arrangements to get to the airport in this short of time.

"PM," she clarifies.

That's late but not as bad as being tomorrow morning.

"If there's no delays you should arrive in England at around 6:00 in the morning. You'll have to take a taxi from the airport to the palace. I'll call and have a taxi sent for you. Text me when you arrive at the palace. That way, you'll be able to get into the palace unnoticed. Understand?" she asks and I find myself nodding even though she can't see me.

"Yes," I say.

"What time is it there?" Sabrina asks with a yawn.

"Um, 6:00. What time is there?" I wonder.

"12:00. Get packing. I'll text you with my number. We're going to sleep. We'll see you soon," she says and hangs up.

My phone dings. The message says "Hey, it's Sabrina. Here's your flight stuff" and included in the text is all our flight preparations. I send her a quick text back and then throw my phone on the bed.

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