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Third Person POV

Camry smiled tiredly as she rolled over to look at Daxton. Except it wasn't Daxton that was she looking at. Liam, their six year old son lay in between them. Camry frowned, not entirely sure when he'd got there.
She lifted her head up to see Daxton was laying there with the same expression on his face.
"Did you let him in last night?" she whispered.
He shook his head with wide eyes. "I thought you did."
She shook her head, sighing. Liam was having separation anxiety. Camry didn't know how, but he was. Almost every night this week, he had woken up, climbed into bed with them, and went back to sleep.
Before either of them could get up, their doors flew open. "How do I look? Do I need to change? What time are they going to be here again? Are you sure this is going to work?" Aubrielle Cambridge, their eighteen year old daughter asked.
She was dressed in a sparkly off the shoulder dress that was short in the front and a long in the back. Her brown hair was styled into a side bun and her makeup was done with dark lips and light hues coloring her blue eyes.
Camry sat up, shooting a look had her daughter, then back at Liam. Aubri's eyes went wide in shock and she nodded her head before taking a few silent steps back. But it was too late.
"What's going on?" Liam asked as he stretched in the bed.
Daxton grabbed onto the child. "Mommy and Daddy were just wondering what you were doing in our bed again."
Liam ducked his head before noticing Aubri. "Ooh, Aubri looks pretty! Why she so dressed up?"
Aubri ignored her little brother and focused her attention on her mother. "Does this look okay?"
Camry got up out of her huge bed and walked over to her daughter. "Sweetheart, you look amazing. But it's 9 in the morning. You have three more hours till lunch."
"I know, I know. I just want to look perfect."
"You do look perfect, pumpkin," Daxton said, coming to stand beside them with Liam on his hip.
Camry smiled at her daughter. "Why don't you eat breakfast, try to calm your nerves and then think about lunch."
Aubri nodded her head, taking a breath. "Okay, you're right. I'm going to go to that."
And with that, she turned and went back to her rooms.
"That goes for you, too, mister," Daxton said, putting Liam down. Damien, one of the men who stood guard on their room, grabbed Liam's hand and escorted him down the hall.
"Here we go again," Camry said, reaching up on her tiptoes to place a kiss on her husbands lips.
"Except it isn't us this time," he murmured against her lips.
Aubri went back to her rooms like her parents instructed her to to find a boy lounging on one of her sofas. Scowling, she went behind him and smacked him on the back of the head.
"Evan, what have I told you about coming into my rooms when I'm not here?" she raised her eyebrows at Evan Peters, her cousin and best friend.
He grinned devilishly up at her. "To always do it no matter the consequences."
She rolled her eyes but pushed his legs down and took a seat next to him. "At least you brought breakfast."
"I couldn't leave Princess Aubrielle Cambridge starving now, could I?" he joked, winking at her.
Shoving a pig in a blanket into her mouth, Aubri said, "I'm nervous. What if my parents are wrong? What if I don't find someone?"
"Well, my parents found each other in this. And they weren't even supposed to find each other."
"But what if I don't?"
Evan grabbed Aubri's hand. "Listen, Bri. You are a wonderful, amazing person. All of these guys will trip over themselves to spend time with you. Make the best of this situation."
Aubri smiled, grateful for her friend.
Everything will turn out fine.
Aubri stood outside the doors where fifty boys were. Everyone she treasured stood behind her. Her parents, Liam, Evan, Uncle James and Aunt Alexa, Aunt Rose and Uncle Devon, their twelve year old son Elix, Auntie Sabrina. Everyone was here.
"Everyone will be fine, sweetheart," Sabrina said, holding a glass of wine. "You'll do wonderful."
She walked into the room, blowing a kiss behind her.
"Give each of them a chance," Rose said, giving Aubri a quick squeeze before her, Devon, and Elix followed Sabrina inside.
"You got this, sport," James said and she rolled her eyes at the nickname. "Use this as an opportunity to make as many friends as possible."
He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before he strode inside.
"He's right. You never know who will be your lifelong friends," Alexa smiled and followed her husband inside.
Evan pulled her in for a bone-crushing hug. "If any of them hurt you, Bri, I will kill them."
With that, he walked inside.
"Pumpkin, this isn't going to be easy. A bunch of crazy stuff will happen," her father said, smiling down at her.
"But, you will find who you truly are. And who your true friends are," her mother finished. They each placed a kiss on her cheek before escorting Liam into the room.
Taking a breath, Aubri stood outside the doors. She could do this. With that thought, she pushed open the doors to begin her selection.

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