Chapter 20

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I stand shocked.

I hadn't thought he'd actually try to kiss me. Granted, he's done it before but now I'm Queen Regent. Then, I hadn't even technically been in the selection. Now, I'm engaged to Daxton and running the freaking kingdom.

Bracing my hands on his chest, I try to push him away. But to no avail.

I start beating my hands on his chest, anything to make him stop. But he only proceeds to grab my wrists in his free hand, stopping me.

His lips move hungrily against mine, as if I was all his to take. But I'm not-I'm mine. And Daxton is my fiance, not Adam.

I try to move my face to the side-to stop the kiss, to stop all contact with him-but this encourages him further.

His lips trail kisses down my jaw and neck. And when I try to writhe away, trying to buck his body off mine, he takes it as me enjoying it-enjoying him.

His hand that isn't trapping my wrists, runs up and down my side-groping. I hiss as his hand finds the zipper to the back of my dress.

A shudder goes down my spine as I realize what he plans to do. And I don't think I've ever been more terrified in my life.

Finally finding my voice, I say, "Adam. Stop."

His hand pauses and he brings his face up from where it was nuzzled in my neck. His eyes meet mine, taking in my face. I hadn't realized it but silent tears were streaming down my cheeks-quiet sobs wracking my body.

Eyes still holding the same predatory lust-filled glint, his hand slowly trails away from the zipper. I swallow back more tears, trying to stop the river flowing down my face.

Adam's eyes dip to the scar of the royal symbol on my collar bone, his hand drifting from where it rested on my lower back to run his fingers over it. "If you had been with me, this wouldn't have happened. You're whore can't even protect you. He let this happen to you."

His fingers drift from my collarbone to my jaw and up to my lips, his other hand reaching up to cup my cheek. I didn't bother masking my cringe.  "Camry, why can't you see it? I'm just giving you the treatment you deserve. Daxton is in a coma because he wasn't strong enough to protect you. Let me protect you," he murmurs the last words as if they were a spell-a spell he wanted me to fall under.

But there was something he didn't realize.

"I can protect myself."

With that, I bring my freed hands up, using one to punch him in the face.

Pain lances up my hand as surprise and hurt flash across his face and I use that to my advantage. I push him away from me, allowing a small gap for me to escape. I all but run past him, flinging open the door.

I debate stopping to rid myself of my heels but am not sure how far behind me Adam was. So instead, I run down the velvet carpeted halls, almost falling on my face a couple times.

I look behind me and saw Adam at the edge of the doorway. Anger was apparent in his eyes as he clutches his nose that is dripping blood. He starts walking after me, as if he knows he could catch up with me.

But I'm not planning on him catching me again.

So I run faster. One of my heels catches in my dress, causing it to break, sending me tumbling to the ground. I scramble back onto my feet, not wanting Adam to pounce when I'm on the ground.

Limping now, I run until I reach the edge of the hallway and finally the stairs are in sight. And standing in front of those stairs are two guards.

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