Chapter 17

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When I'd finally part from Isabelle, tears no longer falling down my face, I go straight to my rooms to search for the journals. People try to stop me in the halls-advisers and maids and butlers-but I push past them, needing concrete evidence she'd left these for me.

I burst into my room, startling Cecily, who was dusting my already dustless counter. I probably look like a half crazed lunatic on a rampage but she doesn't make any other comment than, "Miss?"

I offer a weak smile as I slip past her. "Sorry."

She smiles back and goes back to her dusting as I all but run into the adjourning room. My hands skim the spines of the books, searching for the particular leather she'd promised me would be here. 

After searching for five minutes, I still haven't found them. Plopping down on the ground, I'm about to give up hope when I see five leather bound spines staring back at me. Desperately, I tug each of them out of where they're wedged on the shelf, flipping open the one on top. 

The queens elegant scrawl is what opens up before me. I don't even read the words, only stare at her beautiful handwriting. And, that's when the tears start again.

Her handwriting was this beautiful before she became queen. I'm pretty sure mine is chicken scratch. She had years to prepare for her role while I've had seconds. And even in those seconds, I've had no one there to guide me. I'm stumbling around in the dark, trying to find my way back to the light. But jokes on me. There is no light. Or at least there hasn't been. Until now. 

Maybe these journals will help guide me in meetings or dealing with the press or the public. Maybe they'll teach me what they taught Isabelle. 

But Isabelle always had someone there beside her, guiding her and leading over her. She's had King Ryder by her side. I'm all alone in this. 

Daxton-he's supposed to be here. He's supposed to help me shoulder this burden. 

But he can't. He can't because he's lost in a coma and nothing, so far, has been able to pull him out of it. His in a freaking coma thanks to that witch, Genesis. 

My love, my heart, my best friend is lost right now. He's lying in a room downstairs but he's lost. He's unconscious and I need him but he won't wake up. Of course, he can't possible know what I'm going through. But he's not here. 

I sob harder, pushing the journals away from me, not wanting to ruin them with my tears. I hear the door open behind me but don't bother to turn around and see who it is. After a second, a feel strong arms wrap around me and pull me close to them.

My heart jumps. Daxton? 

But this person doesn't smell like Daxton. I try to blink away the tears in my eyes to see who it is but they just keep coming. 

"Shhh, Camry. It's okay." James. 

I sob harder. I feel like I haven't seen him since Daxton proposed. I've been so busy with running this kingdom and talking to the queen, I haven't had time to see him. James and Alexa both have sort of disappeared. Not like they aren't at the palace, but I haven't been able to see them. My heart aches as I realize I've missed my best friend. 

"I-I can't do this," I sob, holding onto him like he's my anchor. "Isabelle had so much preparation to be queen. She's had years. I-I'm just some random girl from South Carolina. I know nothing about politics or monarchies. Daxton should have chose someone else because I c-can't do this. I can't d-do this alone."

James rubbed my back, comfortingly. "Camry Kingsom, you stop this. Daxton chose the perfect person to do this. Any of the other girls would have left already. They would have left the kingdom in ruin. You've stayed, Camry. That's why Dax chose you. And you don't have to do this alone. You have three friends here that will help you through anything. All you have to do was ask for our help."

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