Chapter 6

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Trying not to think to hard about Daxton's date, I go back to my room to find all of my suitcases on the bed. I need to busy myself-get my mind off Daxton. I methodically unpack and put everything in a place. Pajama's go in the drawer by the bed. Jeans and t-shirts go in the wardrobe. All of my shoes even have their own place.

When I'm finally done, I decide to explore the rest of the room. I check one of the three doors that are in my room. It opens up to glass. Glass everywhere. The only thing that isn't glass is the floor, walls, and ceiling which are mirrors. A frosted glass Jacuzzi tub sits in the middle of the vast room. A set of clear glass steps lead up to the tub. In a hidden nook in the wall is another door. I open it to reveal a shower large enough to fit a crowd. It's full of buttons, too. There are hundreds. I'll figure out what they do later.  Shutting the door, I turn around and marvel the sink. It's vast and covered in makeup and hair products, each set in a specific spot. On the other side of the room is a small vanity table, also covered in hair and makeup products. Gosh, Sabrina, how much do you think I need?

Leaving the bathroom, I go through the other door and am immediately greeted with dark. I feel around until I find a light switch. The room lights up and I gasp at the sight before me. A desk is across the room from me with some paper and a pencil on it. In the middle of the room, are a couple of chairs and couches but this isn't what makes me gasp. From floor to ceiling, is books. Everywhere-books. I pull a couple of the novels off one of the shelves. Some I've read and some are a whole new adventure.

I go back into my room to find my maids standing there holding a covered platter. I smile at the sight of them and rush over to hug them. Cecily sets down my dinner and they all hug me back.

"Miss Camry, how was your flight back?" they ask.

"Wonderful, girls. And how was yours?" I ask, once we're all seated in my little sitting area.

"Splendid," Josie smiles.

"Now, you need to eat your supper so we can bathe you and then you can go to sleep. I expect you've had a long day?" Cecily asks, to which I smile and nod. They know me so well.

I uncover and platter to see it's five cheese rigatoni pasta with garlic bread and bread sticks. I guess the palace is having Italian tonight. We sit and eat, me insisting they eat some of the breadsticks, and talk. After I've finished eating, they usher me into the bathroom and into the Jacuzzi tub. They slather me in all different kinds of soaps and I feel as if its my first day at the palace all over again. When I'm finally finished, they blow dry my hair and send me back into my bedroom.

The light from outside has faded to darkness, leaving the room pitch black. Thankfully, the light to the bathroom is still on and I can see the way to my bed. Feeling sleep pulling at me, I collapse into the bed and drift off to sleep.


"Camry? Camry?"

I groan and burrow deeper into the pile of blankets.

"Camry?" the voice asks.

Why dares wake me up at such an unearthly hour?

Rolling over, I glare at the person standing in the middle of our room. Which happens to be Sabrina. She's dressed in a simple button down striped dress with her hair in a simple braid.

"Why did you wake me up so early?" I groan.

"Camry, it's 12:00 in the afternoon," she furrows her eyebrows.

Okay, but that's still sorta early.

"What do you want?" I yawn.

"I need to tell you something," she says.

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