Chapter 13

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A walk in the garden. That's the first thing I think when I wake up. I haven't been to the gardens since being back here.

After pulling my hair back from my face and slipping on a day dress, I wander down to the gardens, feeling the peacefulness of it. As I walk, I breathe in the fresh scent of flowers and plants and crisp fresh air.

Anticipation bubbles through me. Daxton's sending everyone home. This train wreck will finally be over. No more jealous or heartbroken girls moping around the palace. No more Genesis and definitely no more Adam.

The thought of Adam makes my skin writhe and I have an impulse to run inside and lock myself in my room to make sure he doesn't find me. But I fight against that urge, knowing I'm safe here. While Genesis has attacked me, Adam honestly can't do anything with guards at every corner.

As I walk, I pick a flower every now and then from their bushes. By the time I head back into the palace, I have bouquet of many different flowers. Making my way back upstairs to my room, I find Daxton looking disheveled. His hair is mused as if he's been running his fingers through it. His clothes are rumpled and wrinkled and I could have sworn that's exactly what he wore last night. Has he been up all night?"

"Daxton," I call out, causing him to whip around to look at me.

His gaze his hard, focused, but when he see's me the sharp planes of his face softens. "Camry. What are you doing here?"

Walking up the steps to meet him on the second floor landing, I frown. "I live here."

"No, no-that's not what I-I know you live here. I meant what are you doing wandering about the palace before breakfast? You've never woken up willingly before breakfast," he inquires, obviously puzzled as to my appearance.

"I'm not entirely sure," I shrug. "I just wanted to walk around the garden, get some fresh air. It looks like you could use some."

He frowns at me. "What do you mean?"

My eyebrows furrow has I take in his appearance again, noting the bags under his eyes. "Daxton," I set a hand on his arm, "did you get any sleep last night?"

His frown deepens. "I was too busy."

Thoughts whirl around my head. That was one of the vaguest answers possible. What does too busy qualify? Was he out all night with one of the other girls? Or did he just have work to attend to? Has something happened I'm not aware of?

"Way to be vague," I mutter, trying to hide my worries.

"I'm sorry it's just-," he glances up the stairs has if he has somewhere to be and I'm keeping him from it, "let's walk and talk."

We start up the stairs and he resumes talking. "After I left you last night, I went straight to my parents. Told them about the loophole. They believed I was making it up so I had to go searching in the library for it. Once I found it, I showed it to them and then they believed me. They were reluctant to agree to it. They told me I had my chance with you and I threw you out," his voice catches as we reach the top of the stairs and start down a hallway, "I explained to them it was out of anger. Once I got them to finally agree, they told me I couldn't eliminate all the girls at once. That would be seen as cold and snobby which I believe I'm not. So over the next week, I'll be letting girls go over the next week or so. Within a couple days after that, we'll recall one of the girls and yourself. "

I realize we've stopped walking in front of a door. To my room.

My heartbeats in my ears as I realize this is really happening. This crazy fantasy is happening. I'm going to get married. Unless he picks other girl. A small part of me is terrified of this but knows is stupid to think that way. He's doing all of this for me. For us. There's no way he would throw it away for another girl. Right?

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