Chapter 21

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When Cecily finishes relaying the details of the night to my friends, they all look to me with wide eyes. My tears had long since dried up but I still feel violated-used.

I give them a blank look, not entirely sure what to say or do.

Out of everyone, James looks furious-which is no surprise.

He stands up abruptly, fist clenched. "I'm going to kill him," he mutters, taking a step towards the door.

Not entirely sure why, I stop him, putting myself between him and the door. "No," I say. "This is something I have to deal with."

James glares, jaw clenched as he looks at the door behind me. "What do you plan on doing, Camry?" he asks.

I glance at Alexa, Rose, and Sabrina behind him. They all wear identical masks of shock.

Sabrina, as if just now hearing James' words, says, "I'll tell you what she's going to do. She's going to march her pretty little butt downstairs and kick Adam out of the palace. Forever. And then, while he's out and vulnerable, have someone assassinate him," she heaves.

I stare at her wide eyed. "That is most definitely not what I'm going to do." I shake my head. "I have to handle this diplomatically-like an adult. Or a queen." I suppress an eye roll.

James' eyes flash, as well as Sabrina's, both of them looking like they're going to protest when Alexa says, "Then what are you going to do? Because you have to do something Camry-you're queen now. You can do something."

"I plan on talking to Devon. I mean, Adam is his brother-maybe he'll know exactly what to do with him."

Rose's eyebrows flick up at that. "Do you want me to go get him?"

I purse my lips. "I need to talk to him alone."

As much as Devon got on my nerves, I need to talk to him by myself. Without James and Sabrina spitting over my shoulder.

Glancing at my clock, I see it's six in the morning. Devon is probably still asleep. And I don't care.

"I'm going now. I don't care if he's still asleep." With that, I leave my rooms and make my way to Devon's room.

Two guards trail after me and, for once, I'm grateful. That means no one can corner me and get me all alone. I make a mental note that to have guards from now on.

Once I reach Devon's rooms, I knock once. And when there's no answer, I walk right in to find him asleep in his bed.

I flick on the lights and start clapping my hands, doing anything I can to wake Devon up. Immediately, he rolls over in the bed, groaning.

"Devon!" I yell, causing him to groan even more.

Glaring, he sits up in his bed. "What do you want?"

"We need to talk."

At the seriousness in my tone, Devon warily got out of his bed and made his way over to the sitting area, gesturing for me to sit. As I made my way over to where he sat, he seemed to take in my appearance-which was only a towel.

But I don't care I'm basically naked in front of him. Granted, I probably should have put on some clothes but it's too late for that now. I was too caught up in my anger and desperation to fix the problem that I had forgotten to put on clothes. And it seemed my friend had forgotten also.

"Your brother has to leave."

Devon's eyes widen, taken aback by what I said. "I-What do you-I don't understand."
"He is a problem and he needs to leave. I will not put up with him being on the premises anymore. He's overstayed his welcome."

He blinked, still seeming surprised. "Are you asking me to leave, too? Because Rose is here and-."

I cut him off. "Yes, Devon, I know you love Rose and yada yada yada. I'm not asking you to leave. I'm asking what should I do with your brother."

His eyebrows flicked up but he still nodded in understanding. He was quiet for a minute before saying, "What did he do?"

I feel myself pale and bite my lip, not wanting to share this with Devon. I didn't preferable like Devon-tolerated him for Rose's sake, but didn't like him. And now he was asking me to tell him what Adam had done. To me.

"Camry." My eyes flicked up to meet his to see he was looking at me expectantly. When I still didn't answer, he says, "I can't help unless you tell me what he's done."

Biting my lip, I mutter, "He attacked me."

Devon's eyebrows raise. "He hit you?" A curt shake of my head. I watch as understanding dawns in his eyes. "Oh."

Without allowing him to say anything else, I say, "What should I do?"

Devon thought for a minute before saying, "Kicking him out isn't going to do anything. There's a number of dangerous things he could do if you kick him out. One being trying to get you off the throne. No, you shouldn't kick him out. Arrest him. Have him thrown in the dungeon."

My eyebrows flicked up at the harshness in his tone.

"Leave him there until Daxton wakes up and then see what Daxton wants to do with him. If anything, you can return him to my father."

Taking in his information, I stood. "Thank you."

He gave me a curt nod. "Anytime."

I left his room to find the guards waiting for me outside. "One of you get three other guards and go down to Adam Biden's room. Arrest him and bring him down to the dungeon. I'll meet you down there."

One of the guards branched off, going to follow my orders. I almost stop dead at that thought. I just gave orders. Orders that will arrest someone.

But that someone had attacked me-they deserved their arrest. It isn't like they're dying.

With a deep breath, I ask the other guard to take me down to the dungeon-prison cells-whatever. I follow him as we go deeper and deeper into the palace.

The walls and floor change to stone and before long, cells appear. I hear struggling and then the sound of someone being thrown on the floor.

Taking a deep breath, I walk in the direction of the sounds. And find Adam lying on the floor, the cell door being closed in front of him. Slowly, he pushes himself into a sitting position, looking around before his eyes rest on me. His eyes rake over my appearance and I suddenly wish I had more on.

Instead of cowering from his gaze, though, I lift my chin.

"If only that towel would drop," he whispered.

Clenching my jaw, I try to hide my shock at his words. Because out of all the words and sentences, he chose that one.

"You will stay here until I deign what to do with you," I bite out.

Even though he was imprisoned, his eyes still held a certain glint to them. "You could do a lot of things to me." He stood up. "Why don't you come a little closer, baby, and I'll show you exactly what we can do."

Swallowing the bile that rose in my throat, I held my ground, glaring at him. In response, he says, "Aw, is this about what happened earlier? Because I know you enjoyed it just as much as I did." His words at a seductive lilt to them that made my skin crawl.

Trying to keep my face blank, I gave him a bitter nod. "No, Adam. I did not."

And with that, I turned on my heel and left.

Only to run into another nightmare.

A/N: IDK how long it's been since I updated so here ya go. I probably won't update too much in the next week because I have exams but I'll try to. And I'll also be working on editing another novel of mine but, again, I'll try to update.

I've started watching SPN and OMG it's so good. I'm only on season 2 bc I'm slow but I'm going to finish all of it by the end of the summer.

Question: Do you have any good wattpad story suggestions?

Answer: Yes, any books that are on my profile reading list.

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