Chapter 10

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Waking up someone's arm draped over your waist can either make you happy or scare the crap out of you. For me, it does both. 

Something hard and solid his holding my waist. Blinking sleep from my eyes, I look down and see a hand. I start freaking out before I remember it's Daxton. He stayed last night. After my meltdown. Wow.

I let myself curl up next to him, closing my eyes, enjoying being next to him before I remember. I'm not in the competition. As of right now, Daxton and I can't happen. My eyes shoot open. Panic flares up in my chest as I lay staying up at the top of my bed. 

Daxton's going to date other girls. It's inevitable. He'll date Genesis and Heather and Morgan and even Sabrina. At least with Sabrina I know they aren't going to do anything. I can't do this right now. I can't lay in the bed with him. Who knows who could walk in? I mean, in this palace no one knocks. 

Slowly, I start to pull away from Daxton and towards the edge of the bed only to be pulled back against Daxton's back.

"Camry," he mutters into my hair, "what time is it?"

I take a shaky breath before looking over at the clock.

My eyes widen. 10:34.

Daxton's never missed breakfast unless he has a date. Except for that other time he fell asleep in my room but other than that he hasn't. It doesn't matter if I'm at breakfast or not. I'll just run down to the kitchens and get something to eat but Daxton? If he isn't there then we have a problem.

"Camry?" Daxton asks, a little more awake now.

"Its, um, 10:34," I mumble.

Daxton freezes then shoots out of the bed.

He starts pulling on his cloths. "10:34? How did we not wake up before that? I've never slept in like this before! My parents-oh my parents. They'll be looking for me. And I have a date at 12:00."

I clench my jaw, turning my gaze away from him. I knew he would have dates, I just didn't want to hear about it. Like, at all. Or ever. 

"Listen, love. I'll see you later. I really do have to run," he says, kissing my forehead and then is out the door. 

Sitting up in the bed, I look at the floor and see he's left his coat. Oh well. I'll just kick it under my bed later. Sighing, I fall back into my bed right as the door burst open. See what I mean? No one ever knocks.

"What do you want?" I grumble.

James, Alexa, and Rose come into view.

"You weren't at breakfast and you kind of disappeared last night. We wanted to make sure you were okay," Alexa says.

At least they didn't mention Daxton.

"What was on your collarbone last night? Was that some type of makeup?" Rose furrows her eyebrows, sitting on the bed next to me.

I pull down my shirt a little bit, showing them the symbol. Alexa gasps, covering her mouth with one hand. Rose gapes. James purses his lips and looks away.

"What happened?" Rose murmurs and I explain to them about Genesis and the guard. This time, I do it without crying.

When I'm finished, James says, "Does Daxton know about this?"

"I told him last night," I nod.

"And he didn't immediately eliminate her last night? Camry, you know for sure that it was Genesis. If you can point out the guard, we could question him too. What she did won't just send her home but probably to jail," James grunts.

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