Chapter 14

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The last girl Daxton sent home was Genesis. The second to last was Sabrina. Sabrina didn't technically leave. She's been hiding out in my room because she's too stubborn to actually go back to New York so I offered to let her crash.

Genesis seemed to think she'd won when she was the last person left. When Daxton sent her home, she was terribly confused and it was hysterical. I'm not exactly sure what he said to her, I just know she got in the car looking really confused as to what was going on.

Now the palace is quiet. There's no chatter of girls coming from the second floor. Sometimes I hear yelling, though, and I figure that's Adam yelling at who know's what.

Daxton's going to "call" two girls back again within a couple days. And then it will finally be over. Me and Sabrina have already discussed how she'll take it. She'll pretend to be mad, almost on the verge of hissy fit, and then will hug me and congratulate me. For now, though, I have Daxton all to myself.

"Camry," Daxton calls from my bathroom.

I huff as I sit up on my bed. "What?"

"How do you work your shower?" he yells back. I'm pretty sure the whole palace heard him.

He needs to know know how to work my shower? Thirty minutes ago, he busts in my room going off about how he had to much work and he needed a break. The whole time, he was running his hands through his hair; he even took off his jacket and loosened his tie. When he was finished ranting, I told him to use my bathroom to straighten himself up. I did not mean to take a shower.

"Did they not put a shower in your room? Have you been having to use Rose's and James since you were little? I think you should talk to the staff about that because that could be a problem," I teased.

I could imagine his eyebrows furrowing. "Of course I have a shower! Why would you ask such a thing?"

"Well, you are asking to take a shower in my room. And your room is right across the hall."

He poked his head out of the bathroom. "If I leave, someone will see me and I won't have time to actually freshen up."

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you aren't procrastinating?"

"Of course I'm procrastinating! So how do you work your shower?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're not naked are you?"

He huffed. "Of course not."

Rolling my eyes, I got up and showed him how to turn the shower on. And, yes, he was fully clothed. As I left the room, I asked, "Do you want me to run across the hall and get you some more clothes?"

"No, people will be suspicious and know I changed clothes."

I rolled my eyes at how paranoid he was.

The rest of the week we fell into a pattern. He would go to meetings and then come to my room stressed out and ranting, I would tell him to freshen up, he'd take a shower to calm himself down, and then he'd go back to round two of meetings. I'd see him at dinner and occasionally he'd take me for walks in the garden. After dinner, he'd sneak into my room and we'd lay in my bed talking about a future. A future that was so close, right at our fingertips, yet a million miles away. We'd both accidentally fall asleep and the next morning, he'd shoot out of my bed and run across the hall to get dressed only to be back within a couple hours to rant and "freshen up". Adam would only make appearances at dinner where he'd antagonize me and Daxton to the point of leaving. I didn't see him anymore than that, most likely because he didn't dare come up to my room after I promised him I'd cut his balls off the next time he did.

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