Chapter 5

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He beams, the smile taking up his whole face. His eyes light up making joy race through my veins. Did I cause his eyes to do that? Am I the cause of this? 

In this moment, I am truly happy. Right here, right now it feels as if all the troubles in the world have disappeared. Does he feel the same way or am I the only one who feels this? What if he's moved on with another girl, Sabrina for example. What if he's only invited me back out of courtesy? 

Pushing away the doubt, I let myself enjoy this feeling for as long as I can. I stare into his eyes and let myself be comforted. I've realized over the past couple weeks his eyes are the only ones I'm ever going to find comfort in. No other guy can make me feel this way. But I can't let him know that. There are still girls here competing for his love-Genesis to be specific. If only I could stay in this moment forever without any interruptions from anyone else.

But, of course, luck is just not on my side.

"Okay, so I realize you want to stare into each others eyes and all that crap but the other girls should be getting out of lunch in a couple minutes and we have many things to discuss," Sabrina says, breaking us from our trance.

I hadn't seen her when we first came in. Well, obviously. You were too busy staring at Daxton, I think. 

She's positioned herself on the second floor balcony, overlooking us. Her hair is pulled into a chignon and she's wearing a simple modest dress that reaches her knees. What in the world happened to her? Her plunging necklines? Her grandeur that could match the castle? Did it all disappear? Did Daxton tame her? Is this the reason why were back? Did she finally win the competition and now she doesn't have to dress outrageously to get his attention? Is that why she's being nice to me? 

Jealously and doubt wash over me and I quickly push them down. I don't need to be upset with whatever the situation is. I need to be grateful that I'm back. Repeating those two thoughts in my head,  I turn my attention back to reality.

"Oh, right," Daxton nods. 

He motions for us to follow him up the stairs and we do. When we reach the second floor landing, Sabrina slips her arm through his, making me feel sick to my stomach. All of my suspicions seem to be true. 

James glances back at me with an apologetic look. I shrug, shaking my head as we reach the royals floor. I look around confused. It's not like I've never been on the royals floor-I have, many times-I'm just confused as to why I'm up here. Isn't my room on the floor below?

Sabrina turns to us, unlatching herself from Daxton.

"Alright, now we need to discuss rooms," Sabrina says, clasping her hands together. "Alexa, James, you'll keep the same suite you had before you left. Rosalie, same with you. I'm guessing I don't need to show you where your rooms are."

Rose, Alexa, and James disperse going in towards their old rooms. As they leave, James turns around, shrugs, and then winks at me to which I roll my eyes. There is no way I'm getting my hopes up. I'd rather not have my spirit crushed. When they've all disappeared down the hallway, Daxton, Sabrina, Devon, and I are left in an uncomfortable silence.

Devon gives me a couple strange looks before smirking, making me want to wring his neck. Sabrina and Daxton are in a stare off, obviously having a silent conversation with each other. Did we ever have silent conversations with each other? I know Alexa, Rose, and I do. And James. 

Feeling sick to my stomach, I decide to speak up so I can get out of this situation.

"So, I'm going to go back down to my room. Not really sure why you brought me up here," I say and slowly start to move back towards the stairs.

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