Chapter 18

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James coming to meeting with me semi-helped. While the advisers were a bit disgruntled at the fact I was even allowing James to attend, they soon realized he meant business. And if any of the advisors sent a snub my way, James would level them with a glare or throw veiled insult their way.

Some of the other advisers, though, protested throughout the whole meeting that James wasn't supposed to be in the palace to begin with. My response to that was a smile filled with ice and eyes holding unspoken threats.
James brought out a different side of me-he always had. I've always been sarcastic and unafraid of what do say but it seems in these meetings, I've forgotten who I am. I was always scared to voice my opinion against these advisers because I was frightened of their judgement.

But why should I be scared of their judgement?
I'm the freaking queen-well, queen regent.
I can kick them out of the palace, not the other way around.

So I'm done receiving orders from these advisers and feeling as if I'm being threatened by their every word. James has helped me realize how to use my tongue as a weapon. I'm tired of talking about grass and superfluous things. I know there are more pressing matters out there for us to discuss. So I'm going to force us to discuss them.

Before I can, though, a servant slips into the room. "It's time for dinner," the servant announces, scurrying out of the room.

With a sigh and a headache building, I stand up from my seat and walk to the doors.

Turning back, I level all the advisers with a look. "When this recess is over, we will be discussing things that truly matter to the kingdom. I know there are unsolved problems and if we don't discuss them, I will find out what they are and solve them myself."

With that, I turn on my heel and walk out the door, James behind me. "Wow, that was bad-"

"No cussing in the presence of a lady," I interrupt him, shaking a finger in his face.

He scoffs. "Since when are you a lady?" he shakes his head, trying to bite back a smile as we walk back to my room.

Stopping outside my door, I turn to him. "You need to go get ready for dinner."

Holding up his hands in surrender, he says, "Okay, mom, I will." Then his face grows serious. "Do you want me to come back with you after dinner?"

I knew he meant the meeting.

I nod. "You don't have to say anything, but it would be nice to have at least one person on my team."

"Camry, I'm pretty sure if you asked the advisers, there would be couple who would side with you," he says. I give him a dubious look and he says, "There are."

"Go get ready for dinner, James." I open my door as he walks down the hall.

Before I can go inside my room, though, James yells over his shoulder, "Oh, and Alexa and I have something to tell you!"

Laughing at his obnoxiousness, I walk inside my room.


For dinner, my maids have paired me in a sparkly champagne colored dress that hugs my chest, waist, and hips but is still flowy. My hair is pulled back by two pieces with a small tiara on my head.

I don't exactly understand why I have to dress up. The only people who see it are James, Alexa, Sabrina Rose, and Devon and I'm pretty sure they would be fine if I came down in sweats in a t-shirt.

It's for appearance, I remind myself. The servants and everyone else watching the palace has to see how you dress.

Before I go to the dining room, I stop by the hospital. Inside, I find Isabelle quietly sleeping. My heart constricts and for a second I'm reminded of when she was still in a coma. But no, she's awake. And she'll hopefully stay that way.

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