Chapter 11

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After looking for ten minutes, I had only found one book on the selection. Well, it was more like a pamphlet. It was four pages long, front and back, and basically stated the rules. And, boy, did this competition have a lot of rules.

I mean, James had read me the rules before ever coming to England. Then, I didn't really want to go so I paid no attention to them.  Which is obviously coming back to bite me in the butt. 

For the rest of the hour, I read the rules over and over again. And to make matters worse, the font on the pamphlet was really tiny making it hard to read. 

Grabbing the pamphlet, I leave the library to go to the parlor. I find James, Alexa, and Rose waiting for me. 

"Did you find anything?" James ask.

I nod. "I found a pamphlet that just lists all the selections rules. But it won't be of any use."

James takes it out of my hand and flips through it. "I read you all of these. But this is different."

"What?" my eyebrows furrow.

He points to an tiny asterisk at the bottom of the last page. James reads what it says, "If the prince cannot find a suitable mate by the end of the competition, he may invite at least two of the girls back to the palace to try again."

My heart fills with hope. Horrible, dangerous hope. "If we can Daxton to end the competition saying he found no one, he'll be forced to recall some of the girls. Me in particular."

Alexa nods. "So now we just have to convince Daxton to send the rest of the girls home." 

"Great! Now we just need to tell Daxton so he can send the girls home and you guys can get married and live happily ever after. Queen Camry!" Rose rambles.

I blush. "Rose, stop-."

"That's a great plan and all, but it has one flaw to it," Sabrina says from the doorway. 

"Were you listening to our meeting?" I raise an eyebrow.

She frowns. "Was it top secret? Why wasn't I invited to the top secret meeting?"

James ignores her question. "What flaw? Where is there a flaw in our plan?" He clenches and unclenches his fist, still obviously not trusting Sabrina.

She strides over and plucks the pamphlet out of his hands. "Hmm, just as I thought."

"What?" Alexa raises her eyebrows, clearly getting frustrated.

"It says he has to invite back two girls," Sabrina says, as if this explains everything.

"Yeah. So?" I shrug.

"Camry, you are one girl. Not two. Where are you going to get the other girl?" she gives us a flat look.

Oh. Yeah, that might be a problem.

"Alexa could do it," I suggest.

Sabrina raises an eyebrow. "If ya didn't notice, Alexa's happily married. Remember? There was a big wedding? You danced to 'I'm Sexy and I Know It'?"

I cross my arms. "Of course I remember the wedding. But I just thought maybe we could use her. Now I know we can't."

"That was our only option. Who are we gonna ask now? I mean, who could we ask that we know doesn't really love Daxton and who wouldn't mind doing it," James raises an eyebrow.

Sabrina squints at us as if were something that hurts her eyes. "Do you guys realize how stupid you sound? You could obviously use me!"

"Huh?" Rose says, not obviously getting it but I see where Sabrina was going with this.

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