Chapter 22

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She sit, glaring at me as I stand frozen in front of her. Her once beautiful gown is now torn and ripped and dirty-it's been months and they haven't given her a change of clothes? Her hair is stringy and has clump of dirt in it.

This is who put Daxton in a coma. She did hurt my family because she couldn't be apart of it. She hurt me because she wanted to take something that didn't belong to her in first place.

My anger builds.

"Hello, princess," Genesis spits, heaving herself off the ground.

I just stare-not sure what to say or do.

"Did you come down here to gloat? Are you and Daxton living happily ever after?" She pauses. "How is he by the way? Did the dear prince recover?"

I stand shaking, whether with rage or fear, I don't know.

She continues. "I heard he was in a coma. That he lost too much blood. But see, that's your fault, isn't it. That bullet was supposed to hit you. He jumped in front of it to save you. A valiant effort but look where it got you. He's practically dead and you're a widow before you even got married."

"Shut. Up." Words finally escape my mouth and her eyebrows flick up.

She smiles wickedly. "Make me."

I could, I realize. I could make her shut up. I could have the guards put a muzzle on her or I could silence her permanently. That would rid me of her. And while I'm at it, I could silence Adam, too.

But, then, I'd be just as bad as them.

Sighing, I looked at the guards behind me. "Get her a change a clothes." I jerk my chin to Genesis.

"And what of the boy?" one of the guards asks.

My eyes drift to Adam's cell, where he's leaning up against the bars smirking at me. "Leave him there till further notice."

And with that, I left the dungeon.


The first thing on my to-do list is to change into some clothes. I know very well I can't prance around the palace in only a towel.

I go straight to my room where I pull on a pair of fitted jeans as well as a nice shirt. My maids look at me with raised brows.

"With the night I've had, no one can stop me from walking around in jeans." My voice dares them to argue and thankfully, they don't.

They don't make a fuss of my hair either, pulling it up in a pony tail rather than straightening and curling and pinning.

When I look at myself in the mirror before I leave my room, I realize, even though I have on a pair of my old jeans and my hairs up, I don't look the same as I did before.

Before I came to the palace, I looked-I wouldn't say homeless is the word-but I looked rugged. My shirts were a size too big, my hair was a mess, and I walked like I had no purpose in the world.

Now, I looked regal. The jeans were fitted and the shirt I had paired with it fit me just right. My hair, while in a ponytail, looked sleek and liked my maids had taken twenty minutes on it. And now, I knew my purpose.

I requested to have breakfast in my rooms. While it's being prepared, I slip into my library and pull a book off the shelf. Not the queens journals but something fun.

For the time being, I want to slip off to a far away land where I'm not queen have a kingdom to deal with. I want to leave my ragtag group of friends who support me through everything in exchange for someone else's. For the next couple hours, I'm no longer queen.

I pull Throne of Glass off the shelf and go back into the main room where Cecily has my breakfast set up.

For the next four hours, I read and read and read, following Celaena's journey. That is, until Cecily taps me on the shoulder telling me I have an hour to get ready for the lunch.

"I could just take lunch in my room," I suggest but Cecily gives me a look that says I need to leave my room.

Sighing, I turn back to my back to the dismay of Cecily. "Um, Camry," she says. I look up at her. "Aren't you going to get ready?"

I look down at what I'm wearing. "I think this will suffice."

Before I can turn back to my book, she says, "Why don't you go down and visit Daxton?"

My stomach churns at the thought. I could have done that four hours ago-which is what I normally did. But I was avoiding the hospital wing.

What Genesis said really put me on edge. If Daxton wouldn't have taken that bullet for me someone far more capable would be running this country. I mean, I'm not even from here-am I even technically a citizen? Can I run this country? Is this legal?

Pushing those thoughts from my head, I managed a nod, setting my book down and leaving the room to go to the hospital wing.

When I arrived down there, Isabelle was asleep. I was almost thankful. Quietly, I walked over to Daxton's side.

"Something happened, Dax. Something bad. I settled it-fixed it or whatever. But I still want to tell you about it. Not now, though. I want you to actually be able to speak back to me. Actually, I'm a little scared for you to speak back to me."

I take a deep breath.

"I saw Genesis. She looks awful and it serves her right but she said something...Daxton, she said you wouldn't be like this if it weren't for me. And she's right. If it weren't for me, you'd be running this country. If that bullet would have hit me, you would be in charge."

Tears start to form in my eyes and I blink them away. Leaning down, I kiss his forehead then walk out of the room to lunch.


At lunch, my friends watch me worriedly. More like James and Sabrina rant about what to do with Adam while I silently eat my food, occasionally trying to make conversation with Alexa.

When it's over, I heave a sigh as I head to the room where my next meeting is to be held. James is most likely already there being that he left lunch early but I couldn't know for sure.

As I walk up there, I all but run into a young lady who is probably in her early thirties. Her shoulder length red hair gleams as she reaches down to pick up what I've made her drop.

"I'm so sorry," I say as she straightens.

Her eyes widen as she takes me in. "You're the um...the queen."

"Not exactly but yes. And aren't you one of the advisers?"

She smiles. "Lady Kingsley."

"It's wonderful to meet you," I return the smile.

As we walk to the room, Lady Kingsley turns to me and says, "You know, while there are a lot of those in the meetings against you, you do have quite a few allies." She pauses as I look at her with raised brows. "And I would like it if you consider me one of them."

At first, I'm speechless. This lady is being kind enough to support me and say she's siding with me. How do I respond to that? "Thank you," I stutter. "Thank you so much. You have no idea what that means to me."

"If you need anything, help with paper work, understanding one of the laws, call for me and I'll help you."

I manage a nod as we stop in front of the doors. Gratefulness washes over me. I have allies.


A/N: Yeah, yeah. I know I haven't posted in like three weeks but I was at church camp and then I was editing another one of my novels. So I'm sorry but I was busy.

Lol I don't really have anything else to say except the book I was editing is like pretty cool and in the opinion of some of my friends pretty good and I really wish you guys could read it but I'm not going to put it on wattpad. So I was wondering if/when I get it published would you read it? If you're interested in what it's about PM and I'll tell but I'm just wondering how many of you would want to read some of my other works.

Question: Flash or Arrow?

Answer: Uhhh Felicity

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