Chapter 4

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Camry's POV

I wake from a fitful sleep as we hit another bump. Your probably thinking how are there bumps in the air? I wondered the same thing, thinking the air should be smooth rather than this bumpy. But no, the air is full of turbulence so it makes it really hard to sleep.

Looking over at the girl beside me, Katherine, and then at the rest of my friends, I see they're all passed out. I guess I'm the only one who can't sleep on any moving device. Well, except for private jets. Those are really comfortable.

I look at the flat screen TV in that's on the back of the seat in front of me to see what time it is. 11:35. Ugh, thirty more minutes of riding on this plane. I lift the window up just a little bit and sunlight pours through. I quickly shut it, not wanting to wake anyone up.

"Alright, everyone. We will begin making our descent into England. We should arrive at 12:00. The temperature is 60 degrees Fahrenheit and it's partly cloudy with a 40 % chance of rain. Thank for flying with us," the captain says and then goes off of the intercom.

Everyone slowly but surely starts waking up. I go to pull out my phone to occupy me for the next couple of minutes but then remember I have to keep it up. Instead, I play games on the screen in front of me trying to busy myself with something, anything.

Ever since we boarded the plane, I feel like I've been just a bundle of nerves. I immediately tried going to sleep but you saw how well that worked out for me-what, with all the turbulence and Daxton occupying my mind-there was no way I was going to get any sleep. Then I tried playing games on my phone or watching movies but Daxton still crept back into my mind. Questions float around my mind. What will happen when we see each other again? Will it be awkward? Will I run to his arms? Or will he dis me?

These questions float around my mind again as I play this stupid game. I angrily start to stab the screen, trying to get the game to work faster. As I go to jab the screen again, I feel a hand on my arm.

"Camry? The captain said we could get off five minutes ago. Are you okay?" James asks, looking at me with a worried expression.

We landed? How come I didn't hear the captain on the over head thing? I guess I was too last in my thoughts to notice.

"Camry," James snaps his fingers in front of my face.

"Oh, um, sorry. I guess I zoned out a little," I say standing up and grabbing my carry on.

James shoots me a look as if to say a little? I roll my eyes, ignoring him as we get off the plane.

"Where's everyone else?" I wonder looking around us and only seeing strangers.

"While you were angrily hitting your screen, they got off," he says and I punch him in the shoulder.

"Ow, gosh. When have you gotten so violent?" he mutters.

Okay, so maybe I'm taking my frustration out on him. I probably shouldn't do that but...

"Sorry, I'm just a little distracted," I say.

He gives a fake gasp of shock.

"Really? I hadn't noticed," he says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes but laugh as he leads us to the luggage claim. Waiting on the outside of the little merry-go-round thing is my luggage. And beside mine is James. I look around trying to find any familiar faces but with no such luck.

"Where are the others?" I wonder, pulling my luggage behind me as I follow James.

"Probably already out in the limo," he sighs.

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