Chapter 19

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As I make my way up to where the meetings are eld, I get the sense I'm being followed. Anxiety settles in the pit of my stomach as I hurry forward, trying to ignore the way the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

Maybe I'm being paranoid. Now that I think about it, I probably am. Who in the palace is going to attack me?


Out of all the people in the palace, Adam would be the one stupid enough to try something. And not knowing what that something would be propels me forward faster.

I hear the person's footsteps gaining on me and all but break out into a run. Before I can get far, though, a hand wraps around my arm, jerking me to a stop.

I let out a shriek as my heart beats unbearably fast. Turning around, relief floods through me when I see who it is.

"Why did you scream?" James asks, giving me a look that suggest insanity.

"I just...I were someone else," I huff, not exactly having an excuse.

His eyes narrows as he takes in my flushed cheeks and askew hair. "Who did you think it was?"

I shrug, not exactly wanting to delve into the topic, especially with the advisers waiting for us. "No one. It's not important. And, anyway, we have to get to the meeting."

James looks as if he's going to argue but I walk off, not giving him the chance.


The meeting lasted for an hour and a half. And I now have a pounding headache that I know is going to chase sleep away. While the advisers leave, not even giving me a parting glance, I sit at the head of the table shuffling through the papers I'd been handed.

We agreed to meet tomorrow after lunch. Most of the advisers said I needed a break because of how young I am while others said this wasn't the time for breaks. Thankfully, the majority was on my side.

Rubbing my temples, I stood, leaving the papers on the table, not being able to look at them any longer. Tiredly, I left the conference room, wanting to rid myself of the dress and heels.

I made it down one long hallway before I felt a presence behind me. Ignoring the goosebumps that appeared on my arms, I continued the walk to my rooms.

My heart raced as I heard footsteps behind me but when I turned to look, no one was there. I took a steadying breath, and continued walking down the hall-heading towards the staircase.

There weren't many guards on this floor. Mainly because the meeting party had already dispersed, taking the majority of their guards with them. I never liked having guards-they always seemed to look over my shoulder and breathe down my neck.

But now, in the deserted hallway, I wished I kept at least one in tow.

On the third floor, though, I knew there would be a surplus of guards because of how many royals inhabited it. If I could only make it up the stairs, then I would feel safe.

But before the stairs were even in sight, an arm wrapped around my waist. Before I could even scream out a plea for help, I was jerked into the nearest room and the door clicked shut immersing us in darkness.

Whoever us was-though I had an idea.

My suspicions were confirmed when a handful of dim lights flickered on-revealing Adam.

My stomach turned as he smiled at me, taking in my disheveled appearance, his tongue flicking out over his bottom lip.

He stood on the opposite side of the room, smirking, blocking my way out of the room. How he had gotten there so quickly was beyond me. But I forced myself to focus on the task at hand.

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