Chapter 15

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Blood. Blood everywhere. 

It stained the pristine floors, spreading and spreading and spreading until I felt like it was going to swallow me whole. 

I don't know what happened to Genesis after she pulled that trigger-hopefully they killed her. But I do remember dropping to my knees, my beautiful dress ruined by the blood leaking out of my love. 

My heart.

My prince.

My fiancee. 

He was my fiancee and he was dying thanks to a gun shot that was meant for me. Thanks to a spoiled brat who couldn't take no for an answer.

His blood, the Queen's blood, the King's blood, were all pooled around them-sticky and thick as more and more was pumped out.

Vaguely, I heard someone screaming-a scream that was full of broken hearts and lost love. It was a terrible wretched thing and I wanted to ask the person to stop. They needed to stop screaming because I couldn't concentrate. I needed to concentrate in order to handle this situation. 

But they wouldn't stop. It went on and on and on and on. 

Until my voice went hoarse and I realized I had been screaming. 

Sobs wracked my body as I crawled over to Daxton. His eyes fluttered as I pulled his head into my lap. 

"Daxton. Daxton. Daxton," I whispered his name like a prayer.

His shirt was stained red making it hard for me to tell where he'd been shot. And he was very, very pale, his skin clammy and sickly. That seemed to shake me out of my stupor.

"HELP! HELP," I screamed, waving at the guards telling them to get the paramedics-get someone!

The world was in chaos as doctors and paramedics swooped in pulling out gurneys where they loaded the King and Queen onto them. When they tried to take Daxton, I screamed and thrashed not realizing it was for the best before someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me away from him. 

I kicked and screamed and hit and tried to bite however it was that was holding me back from Daxton. 

"Camry. Camry!" their voice sounded in my ear. Their voice-it was familiar. It was-James.

"NO," I cried, tears streaming down my face, my voice still hoarse from yelling. 

"Camry," James said again, trying to soothe me.

I sobbed. "Daxton."

Shaking off James' grip, I took off after the paramedics, stumbling and tripping over my stupid dress. I stopped once, only to chuck my heels off and gather my dress before I took off for the gurneys again. 

I followed them until I got to the hospital wing of the palace-I didn't even know we had a hospital wing-and they shut the operation room doors in my face. I banged and beat on those doors begging them to let me in-to see Daxton. But they never opened the doors leaving me a crying mess on the floor outside of them. 

When James and Alexa found me, I was still trying to weakly get in, even though I knew it was no use. James scooped me into his arms-even as I protested-and carried me up to my room. 

The palace was in an uproar. People were rushing to and fro trying to quickly clean up the mess made by the royals blood. Advisers and people I've never seen before were outside addressing the media. As we past them, the press turned their attention to me and James quickly tries to make his the way up the stairs to my room but I spot something shimmering the pools of blood. I writhed out of his grip and run to the beautiful ring covered in blood. Heaving a sob, I slip the blood riddled ring on my finger and let Alexa and James lead me up to my room.

He'd left me inside with Alexa and my maids to take care of-going off to take care of business of his own. 

Snot and tears ran down my face as Alexa and I walked into the bathroom to find my maids looking at us with wide eyes. My attention went straight to one of the mirrors to my reflection. The whole bottom half of my beautiful gown was now crimson and filled with rips and tears. My hair was falling, blood coating some of the pieces. I was barefoot, having thrown my shoes to catch up with the paramedics. Blood was spattered on my face and my hands, my ring shining. Any makeup that was put on me now ran down my face and mixed with the blood. 

Cecily's lip quivered. "Let's get you cleaned up, miss."

That was two weeks ago. 

Two weeks ago Daxton and his parents were shot by a psychopath. Two weeks ago, I had to assume responsibility for a kingdom. 

Daxton and his parents went through many surgeries, all of which ended up in a coma. They haven't woken in two weeks. 

So I go to meetings. I sign papers. At first, some of the advisers argued I wasn't the correct person to be Queen regent. But I pointed out the dire state of their country and how I was Daxton's fiancee, and they quickly obliged. 

At night, I sit by Daxton's bedside watching and waiting for him to wake. Because he will wake up. He wouldn't leave me alone in this world, ruling this kingdom by myself. 

I sit and I watch, twisting my gorgeous engagement ring round and round my finger to pass the time.

I now sit at board meeting discussing the tax reduction of something or the other. Don't get me wrong, I would be paying attention but I've been in this meeting for six hours. All these people do is argue. They argue about taxes or about clean water or about what I'm wearing. It's ridiculous. 

I'm just about to call a break when Cecily burst in the room, out of breath. "The Queen's awake," she pants.

"We'll continue this later," I say and dare anyone to argue with me before walking swiftly out of the room.

Since the day they were shot, I've opted to wear dress pants and a preferably nice shirt. I've found their more efficient to run in. Now, I chuck of my heels and run beside Cecily down to the hospital wing. 

Queen Isabelle lie in her bed, her face way to pale. "Your Majesty."

She offers me a small smile before looking to Rose who's sitting in the seat beside her. 

"Are you feeling okay, Majesty? Do you need anything?" I ask, about to go get her some water.

"You can stop calling me Majesty, Camry. Please call me Isabelle," her voice is hoarse and cracks as she talks sending a crack through my heart.

Tears fill my eyes as I smile again. "Isabelle."

The Queen looked to her daughter. "Rose, can you give us a moment?"

Rose, seeming a little bit panicked at loosing anytime seeing her mother, slowly walked out of the room.

"I'm so glad you are okay! Because I can't do this alone, Isabelle. I can't keep going to these meetings because nothing can get through to these people."


Just as I was about to keep ranting, I say, "What?"

"The doctors told me I only have a couple months to live. The shot punctured my lung and while the doctors were able to patch some of it up there is still some internal bleeding. And it's slowly killing me."

I clench my teeth to keep from letting tears spill over. 

She only had months-months before she was gone. The entirety of the situation made my chest hurt and my head ache. 

"Okay," I whispered. "Then help me to become the best Queen I can."


A/N : I am the worst person ever for having empty promises! Ugh, I hate myself because I always tell you guys I'm going to update but then I like never do. So I'm sooooooorrrrry. 

This is kinda a short chapter but I think I liked the way I ended it. Tell me how you like it!

Question : Do you have siblings? If so, how many?

Answer : Yes, 3. 

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