Chapter 25

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I reached across the bed in search of Daxton and panic filled my system when my fingers couldn't find him. My eyes shot open and I looked beside me to see he wasn't there.
Was it a dream? Did I dream all of that and then fall asleep in the hospital?
But, after further inspection of the room, I saw Dax sitting by his mother's bed, talking to her.
I quietly watched as her eyes filled with tears and she began crying. Isabelle was strong, but I knew she couldn't not cry at the sight of her son.
Daxton was crying too from the looks of it. It looked like his shoulders were shaking and I could faintly hear Isabelle say, "Don't cry, my child. It'll be okay."
"But it isn't fair. I was shot and went into a coma for months. I came away unscathed. You were shot and are slowly dying."
She laid a hand on his cheek. "I served my time. I've raised you right and I've ran this kingdom. I think it's time I passed on my crown to someone else."
With that, she looked over at me and offered me a small smile. I ducked my head, not wanting them to think I was eavesdropping on their conversation.
"It's okay, sweetheart. Come over here," the queen instructed.
Slowly, I untangled myself from the bedsheets and walked over to where her bed was. I took her hand in mine and Daxton's in the other.
"You both will make wonderful rulers," she tells us and I feel tears spring in my eyes. "You are both strong and determined and loyal. You will serve this country well. I am very proud to have the two of you inheriting this kingdom."
My body shook with sobs as I realized the full extent of her words. We were going to rule and she was going to be gone. There would be no more ranting to Isabelle about my problems-I would have deal with them on my own.
Before I could let myself wallow in self pity, I reminded myself this was Daxton's mother-not mine. So I nodded and took a step away.
"I'll give you two some time."
I left the hospital wing and went immediately to Rose. I found her in her rooms, getting ready for breakfast.
"You might want to visit your mother later today. Daxton is down there talking to her right now. Maybe in an hour. I just-I just wanted to tell you," I swallowed.
Rose nodded, as if in understanding although I didn't completely understand why I told her that. I gave her a hug and then walked to my rooms to get ready for the day.
I straightened my hair and let my maids do minimal makeup. Once they were finished, I pulled on a pencil skirt and a nice blouse to match. Professional but not too dressy.
I went through my routine of meetings and taking care of things. Before lunch, I stopped by the hospital once more. Daxton wasn't anywhere to be seen and Isabelle lay in her bed as if expecting me.
"Come here, dear."
I walked into the room slowly, as if terrified of what was going to happen. "How are you feeling?"
"Just fine," she smiled sadly.
A pang went through my heart. "How am I going to do this without you?"
She grabbed my hand. "My dear, you will never be without me. You have journals that you can read anytime you like. I will always be with you."
I nodded my head as tears threatened to fall. "You're leaving soon, aren't you?" I asked, not being able to bear to say the words.
A curt dip of her head. "But we don't need to talk about that right now. How were your meetings this morning?"
"They were okay," I gave her a watery smile. "Lady Kingsley offered to help me. And she has. Her and a couple of others have been on my side with many issues."
"That's wonderful, my dear. I'm glad you found yourself an ally."
I nodded, somewhat distracted.
"What's troubling you?"
I bit my lip, my eyes snapping up to her.
I sighed and began telling her about what happened with Adam.
She pursed her lips together, not at all happy with the situation. "Does Daxton know?"
Shaking my head, I said, "No, he just woke up yesterday and I know he'll be mad. I want to wait till he's moved back into his room to tell him everything that has happened."
The queen nodded. "Just don't let this little encounter dull your attitude. If anything, let it encourage you. I know it's hard but focus on the positive aspects of the situation. Don't dwell on the bad."
I smiled at her. "Thank you. Not just for this advice but for being here these past couple months."
"Of course, dear," she said, glancing at the clock behind my head. "I believe you're late for lunch. We'll talk later."
I squeezed her hand, placing a kiss on her forehead before walking out to lunch.
Queen Isabelle passed later that night.

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