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Faking a smile,
Faking an "I'm okay",
Could save one from so much trouble,
Yet also cause one as much trouble.

What I had thought to be a burning flame -
   though small - between us,
Had long been diminished of its spark,
The presence of your other girls drying up the oil
   from the wick.

Tired of being loyal,
Tired of being wise,
Tired of trying to listen to my brain,
Tired of not listening to my heart -
   Because as we all know, it potentially makes the
   worst decisions.

"Forget the risk and take the fall,
If it's what you want, then it's worth it all."

Your care - an expectation,
"More than this" -  an anticipation,
Like a beggar begging for love - a realisation,
You being there to offer any? - a bloody illusion.




Part 12 will be out when the time comes.

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