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a selfish decision

cause by others' selfish decisions

its not always a desire to die

its sometimes a need to die

in a twisted way it's a way to survive

a for-once selfish decision to stop living

to stop the suffocating grip the people around dont realize they have on my throat

people drown when their body has grown tired of beating at the water

sometimes suicide is like that

why wont people take me seriously

ive done them nothing wrong

maybe thats why

the rare nice things mean people do are more treasured than all the nice things nice people do

i always get stepped on, dirtied then tossed away

some might think im desperate for appreciation

well yes i admit i am

save me from the suffocating water youre drowning me in

i really dont want to die

but this time i think i need to

whats the point of suffering for so long

when everything could just end in an instant

a selfish decision i might have made?

think again.


how ironic is it that this chapter is numbered 44

4 means death in chinese

2019.1.14 5:59pm

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