Struggles and Finding A Job.

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Name: Anne Carolyn Bennet (pictured above)

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Name: Anne Carolyn Bennet (pictured above)

Age: 18 years old.




I'm Anne.

I've recently graduated high school, and I've taken my first step towards independence to look for a new future.

I'm applying to be your maid. I saw your pamphlet on the street. I'm willing to work as many hours as you'd like, and even skip foods!

I'm being honest when I tell you I can clean and cook very nicely. I've cooked and cleaned my own house since I was ten. I promise I'll do my best! I don't ask for a lot of money. Honestly, I'm just a girl trying to get by with no bad intentions.

I hope you pick me!

Kind Regards,

Anne Bennet


I sighed as I pressed "enter" and sent my job application online. I know I sound desperate, and it's because I am. I've been staying in a hotel, and I only have money to stay here for two more days. It sucks to be unemployed. I guess I had this coming.

Oh, right, you want to know my story.

Well, I ran away from home after graduating high school. My parents were so passionate about me going to college. The thing is, I come from a very conservative family who wants me to study sonething big, like medicine, and pray for the sick children afterwards. It's not that I don't care about sick children, it's more about the expectation. Anyway, let's not go off on a tangent. I didn't want to be who they wanted me to be, and I didn't really see any interesting majors, personally. So I moved away, that being the only way I could "follow my dreams". However, it turns out I need a job to pay for college, or wherever I have to go to do what I wanna do. I want to be a chef. I think.

It's what feels comfortable. What I did at my home since I was a child. All because I was born a woman and my family members are all a pile of machist garbage.

I'm stressing out, clearly. I only have two days to get a reply. I mean, how am I gonna deal with being a maid? I get distracted too often. My ADHD takes up my whole head. What if I get distracted and I forget what I was doing? What if the house is too big for me to clean? What if the decorations are too delicate and I break something and get fired? I'm always expecting the worst, but I need to try.


A reply.


Hello, Anne.

My wife and I have been looking for someone to help us around the house, especially since I'm very busy as a consequence of my current job.

I'd love for you to come by our home tomorrow so I can see how well you do - not that you don't - but, you know, analizing.

The address to the house will be in the bottom of this message. I kindly ask you not to share my personal information with anyone, please.

Kind regards,



I've got a job! A possible job!

I have to gather my things and get ready for tomorrow, I need to make the best impression possible. I can't afford to stay in this hotel anymore!

I have to get this job.

I'm gonna do my best.

I'm gonna impress them.


Word Count: 566

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