Everything Will Be Alright.

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I, I know why,
Because when I look in her eyes,
I just see the sky.

Anne's POV.

I woke up with a slight smile on my face, obviously ignoring the fact that I was still in the hospital. Feeling Brendon's hand in mine and listening to his slight snores, I stare at the white walls, with nothing to do. Seriously? Not even a TV?

I sigh and shift in the bed, trying to make myself more comfortable. I accidentally wake up Brendon, again. I wonder if I've woken him up with my tossing and turning when we were in bed together at home.

"Hey." Brendon smiles. His morning voice is my fuel, honestly.

"Morning." I smile back, feeling better now.

"How are you feeling?" Brendon asked. He was still noticeably concerned.

"I'm feeling a lot better. I'm just... worried." I sigh, running my hands through my hair.

"It's fine. We're running the tests as soon as the nurse comes in." Brendon kissed my hand as soon as I dropped it back on the bed. In that moment, the nurse walked in.

"Speak of the devil" Brendon whispered, which caused me to giggle.

"Good morning!" The nurse smiled brightly at Brendon, and doing the opposite to me.

"Well, I had no idea you were sick, Bren!" I sarcastically said, noticing the nurse's intentions.

"Me neither." He giggled, shaking his head at me.

"He doesn't need to be." The nurse mumbled.

"Excuse me?" I growled at her. Brendon held my hand tightly. I could see he was trying hard to hold his laughter.

"Hey, miss. Me and my girlfriend want to check up on our baby." Brendon said, attempting to calm me down. I released my breath.

"Hmph. I'll call a doctor in." She huffed and left the room, closing the door. I sighed, yet again.

"You're so fucking cute when you're jealous." Brendon released his laugh.

"Shut up, she's a fucking whore." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm only yours, baby." He traced his fingers on my jaw and kissed me. I felt my body go weak and I let out another smile.

"The things you do to me." I mentally curse Harrison for putting me in a hospital bed and not letting me fuck my boyfriend right in this moment.

"At least they're good things." He smiles. I laugh, but half of it comes out as a groan.

In the midst of all this, the doctor comes in the room.

"Miss... Anne? Bennet?" The doctor said, unsure of my name.

"That's me." I say, thankful he abbreviated my name. The other nurse must have told him.

"I heard you want a check-up on your baby?" He asked, a gentle smile showing on his lips.

"Yeah." I nodded, ready to get this over with, whatever it was.

"Alright, can you walk?" He asked. I shrugged and attempted to stand up, with Brendon helping me, of course.

I managed to walk, but only with Bren's help. We followed the doctor into a room where I'd get my first ultrasound. Brendon was holding my hand to help me walk, his other hand in my waist for support. I could feel his hand shaking, and so were mine.

"Alright, lay down right here, miss." He pointed to a bed next to a monitor and some tools. Brendon helped me lay down.

"Okay, I'm gonna apply some gel on your stomach to make it easier for the tool. Is that okay?" The doctor asked. I nodded. I lifted up my shirt, enough to reveal my bruised stomach. The doctor flinched a bit before gently applying the gel into my lower abdomen. He placed the tool in my abdomen and started moving it around, the monitor turned on now. Brendon squeezed my hand reassuringly.

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