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So I'm taking every chance I've got,

Like the man I know I'm not.


Brendon's POV.

I hear the chirping of birds outside and slowly open my eyes, to see the most beautiful girl laying beside me. I smile to myself. Tour day is tomorrow night.

"How could I get her to be with me?" I thought to myself.

Anne's eyes eventually flutter open, which makes my smile grow.

"Hey." I take out a strand of hair from her face.

"Hi." She slightly smiles, hiding her face with the bedsheet. I love when she's shy.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her, a smile still on my face.

"I'm great, Brendon." She slightly giggled. I remembered last night, which made me smile even more. I don't know why I woke up in such a good mood, but I was loving it right now.

"I imagine you're great, too." She laughed.

"I am, I really am." I laughed. I pecked her lips and went to take a shower. We would shower together, but she's still not comfortable enough with her body, so she chose to take a shower on what used to be her bathroom.

After a while, I got dressed so I could look presentable for the day. After some time, Anne walked out of the bathroom, brushing her hair. I walked up to her and gave her a bear hug.

"You smell nice." I planted a kiss on her head.

"Well, I just came out of the shower, you know?" She sarcastically said. I rolled my eyes at her and went to pour myself a glass of water.

"I didn't say break the hug!" She pouted and walked over to me. She opened her arms. I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up.

"You're such a baby." I laughed and kissed her cheek.

"You're a pedophile, then." She replied.

I shook my head. "Someone's filled with rough jokes today." I chuckled at her.

"All for you." She pecked my lips and poured a glass of water for herself. I smiled. I started to take a sip of my water, when I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I told Anne. I open the door, to see the last person I wanted to see.


"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"I've gotta talk to you." She says, in a demanding tone.

"But I don't wanna talk to you." I bluntly replied.

"Listen-" She stormed inside the house and went to pour herself a glass of water. She seemed agitated and like she was about to pass out. But that still didn't make it right.

"What the fuck are you doing? You don't live here anymore, get the fuck out of my fridge." I started walking to her. I was being an asshole, but she'd done even worse before.

"I just wanted water." She shrugged.

What's wrong with her? "I didn't say you could have water. I didn't even say you could co-"

"Brendon, I'm pregnant." Sarah cuts me off.

Anne storms out of the room and starts to pack her things. Fuck. Now everything is going to go south.

"Sarah, just- go to my room, we'll talk later." What the fuck is going on?

"Why do you need to talk to her?" She was quick to ask.

"Because she's seen it all, because she's worried!" I run a hand through my hair before continuing. "Listen, just get the fuck out of here." I gestured for her to go sit down in my room. Thankfully, Anne had organized the room prior to this argument. Sarah walked to my room and closed the door. I walked towards what used to be Anne's room. She's crying, sitting there with an already packed suitcase with all of her things.

Oh fuck no.

"Anne..." I start to say.

"No, Brendon. Don't bother." She said. I could tell she had a lump in her throat.

No, no, no. "Anne, I swear to God, we didn't-"

"Brendon. I'm not gonna get in your way anymore. I'm done." She says, and grabs her suitcase.

"Anne, please, let me -" She pushed me out of the way, and storms out the room, all the way to the door.

"Have fun with your child, Brendon." She slams the door shut.

What the fuck will I do? I just lost my girl. I can't lose her. She's become so much to me. I didn't even have sex with Sarah recently!


I walked to my room, opening the door.

I need to settle this before running to Anne.

"Sarah, how far along are you?" I ask her. I'm starting to realise what's going on.

"Two months." Ha.

"Bullshit, Sarah. We haven't had sex in four months." I spat out.

"I meant I've- ...known for two months." She tries to correct herself in her lie. Not gonna work.

"I'm pretty sure you know exactly what 'How far along are you?' means." I stare at her, arms crossed.

"Are you saying you don't believe me?" She stared at me, fake hurt displayed on her face.

"Hell yeah, that's what I'm saying." I angrily said.

"So you won't support me?" She asked me. Seriously? What the fuck is wrong with this girl?

I clenched my fists. Hold your anger, Brendon.

"Seriously, Sarah? God knows with how many other men you've had sex." I yelled out. I'd never hurt a girl, not ever if it was a life or death situation, but I really felt like breaking something right now.

"But I haven't, Brenny!" She pretended to be innocent. Disgusting.

"Don't try to act all sweet around me, especially after you've ignored me and cheated on me for months." I bluntly replied back.

"And you called me terrible things!" She whines.

"So did you!" I yelled at her. She stared down. She realised all that I was saying was true.

I'm so confused. "Listen, I'm not believing shit until we get a DNA test." I look at her.

"You're being way too mean to our baby!" She yelled.

"Don't you fucking dare include that thing in my life. I'm certain it's not mine. The only one that's not sure about it is you." I yelled back at her. I wouldn't talk like this if it was mine. But I know it's not mine.

"I am not getting a DNA test!" She yelled.

"Sarah, listen, if you have some fucking logic in that fucked up brain of yours, you could be able to add up the following: We haven't had sex in four months. If you were four months along, you would have a baby bump by now. You don't." I angrily replied. She looked at the ground. She obviously didn't know what to say.

"The only reason I want you to get a DNA test is because I want you to stop talking shit to me." I tapped my fingers on my thigh. It's a habit I have when I'm mad.

"Come on, Brenny..." She tried to act sweet again.

"No, we're going." I pulled Sarah by the arm and drove her to get a paternity test.




Word Count: 1209

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