Alternate Ending

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Holy shit, thank you guys for your ridiculously overwhelming support on my story!

I decided to write an Alternate Ending to this story, however, keep in mind that the previous ending is the way the story actually ends. This is just another one for your reading pleasures :)

Here it is!


Brendon's POV

"Daddy? Where are you?" I listen to Carolyn as she looks for me. We're playing hide and seek. I sneakily walk out from the closet and jump out towards Carolyn.

She gasps. "Daddy!" She hugs me and I hug her back tightly. I thought it wasn't possible to love a girl the same way I love Anne, but our daughter is an exception.

I hear a knock on the door and Carolyn immediately perks up. "Daddy, let's go get the dooooorr!" She yells and starts running towards it as I laugh at her. She's quite the hyperactive five-year-old. I walk towards the door and swing it open, and the smile on my face turns into a shocked expression.

"...Anne?" I yelp. Carolyn hides in her room. Shy like her mother.

"...Hi, Brendon." Anne replies, tears streaming down her beautiful face. I can't resist the urge to walk up to her and hug her tightly.

"Oh my god, Anne, what happened? How are you here? What about the letter? Am I dreaming?" I pinch myself hard.

Anne laughs. "It's a very, very long story, can I go in?" She asks for permission.

"Are you kidding me? This is your house, come on." I pull her in. I'm so confused right now, yet I'm so happy.

"Daddy?" Carolyn shyly walks out of her room. Anne's eyes grow wide and she starts to cry loudly.

"Carolyn, this... This is your mommy." I say, tears streaming down my face as well.

"Are you Anne?" She asks her, tilting her head sideways.

Anne cries. "Y-yes, yes, I'm Anne. I've missed you so much." She manages to cry out.

"Mommy!" Carolyn runs towards her and hugs her, and Anne hugs her back. Anne still looks flawless, by the way. It's been five years and she still looks the same.

They eventually calm down and Anne stares at me.

"We need to talk, Brendon." She calms down.

I kneel down to Carolyn's level. "Okay, Carolyn, go to your room for a while, honey. Mommy and I have to talk, okay?" I kiss her head.

"Okay, Can we play later?" She asks me, smiling.

"Of course we can, but I need you to go to your room, okay?" I smile at her and she nods, running towards her room.

I sit down in a nearby chair and gesture for Anne to sit down as well.

Anne sighs. "Okay, so..." She starts to say.

"When I gave birth to Carolyn, I had been told there was a chance I couldn't make it due to the condition of my uterus, hence the letter, so I was placed in surgery and Carolyn was born. When I woke up, I had severe blood loss and I was near death. That's when I saw... That's when I saw Harrison." She gulps.

My eyes grow wide. "Please, continue."

"Harrison threatened that if I didn't distance myself from you, he'd kill me and Carolyn, and make your life a living hell. So, I obviously agreed to it, and I couldn't really do much about it in the condition I was at the moment." She sighed.

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