Uncalled For.

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Guys, I LOVE Sarah and Brendon's relationship, honestly. But for the sake of the story's plot, I'm gonna have to change it up.

When the world gets too heavy,
Put it on my back,
I'll be your levy.

Today is the day.

I head outside the hotel and get a cab to the address. I arrive there after 15 minutes. There was no traffic, but the road to their house was long.

I let out a nervous sigh as I walk out of the cab and ring the bell on the gate. The house was a pretty big house with a large patio, it was nicely decorated. It appeared to have some nice security, judging by the huge gates, which were beautiful, by the way. There were two cars parked in the driveway, and that's pretty much all I could see by now.

"Who's there?" A man says. Oh. That was fast. I assume it was this Brendon guy.

"I'm the maid!" I say. I'm the maid? Really? Sounds ridiculous.

"Come in!" The guy said, followed by the buzz of the door. I pushed the door open and walked over to the entrance. I observed the patio closely. It had a lemon tree and some wonderful flowers, the grass was a beautiful, healthy shade of green, and close to the tree was a pond filled with small fish.

The door knob starts twisting and I straighten myself up. You need this job, Anne. You can do this.

The door opens, and I'm greeted by a pretty damn handsome man. I'd be lying to you if I said I didn't stare. He was pretty hot, but I was looking for a job, not romance or trouble.


Is this THE Brendon Urie?

The guy stares at me for a couple seconds, and his eyes grow wide.

"Oh, uh, sorry. I spaced out. I tend to do that sometimes. Hey, I'm Brendon." He said the first part of the sentence really fast, and then took one of his hands out of his pocket for me to shake. I nervously shook it. I was stunned by Brendon's handsome features, but I had to ignore it. Even more if he's my boss.

"Come in!" He said. I went inside the house and slowly closed the door. I observed every detail of the house, but the kitchen really caught my attention. You could see the sunlight piercing through the windows into the kitchen floor, and there was a white dining table, accompanied by some wooden chairs and wooden cabinets. Everything looked so polished and comforting.

"Well, this is my home - The Urie's home - my wife and I live here." He explained.

"Well, you have a wonderful home, sir!" I say. I suck at socialising.

"Thank you, so, let's stop talking about me for a while, and let's talk about you! What exactly are you willing to do around here now that you've seen the house?" Brendon asked.

"I'm still willing to do everything you want me to do. Easy or difficult, I'm up for it." I gave him an honest answer.

He slowly nods. "And is there any specific rules on your food timing or can it be anytime?"

I shake my head. "Honestly, whenever you want, if you want. I could even skip food if you'd like me to." I'm sounding too desperate.

"What? No way, we're definitely giving you food. Do you have a place to stay?" He asked, surprised at my offerings.

"I'm staying in a hotel, I guess I do... But I can only afford to pay another day and then I'll have to leave." I explained. I know the pamphlet said "stay-at-home maid", but I don't wanna bother with that. I prefer to be alone sometimes.

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