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I hope you're happy, dirty freaks.

Ever since we met, I only shoot up with your perfume.

Anne's POV

I woke up at around 6 P.M, but I really didn't wanna get out from this comfortable position. Brendon had his arms wrapped around me and was silently sleeping with a slight smile on his face. I could stare at him all day long, but I have to do something productive today.

I try to get out of Brendon's grasp but I fail, because he pulls me back to him.

"Stay." Brendon said, his voice raspy from recently waking up.

"I have to do something today Brendon." I stare into his pleading eyes.

"What's there to do other than to be here with me?" He whines.

"I'm pretty sure I'll find something to do." I laughed.

"You should enjoy the moment, I'm never here for long. You know? I'm in a band-" Brendon started explaining.

I interrupted him. "I know you are, Brendon. The reason I didn't tell you about it was because I was afraid that you wouldn't hire me, and I really needed a job." I anxiously explained.

"Calm down, Anne. It really doesn't matter. If you didn't know, you were going to now anyway." He laughs.

I stare at the wall, embarrassed at myself. "So, yeah, you're in a band..." I said, asking for Brendon to continue his sentence.

"...And we're going on tour next week." He sighed.

"Well, that's good, you enjoy it, right?" I looked back at Brendon, trying not to show a hint of sadness.

"I do. But I also enjoy you." Brendon looked at me. I bit my lip.

"How long are you gonna be gone for?" I ask him.

"Two months." He sighs.

"...Oh." I stare at the wall again.

"I don't wanna leave you." He admitted.

"You can go, Bren. You do what you love for a living, it's great!" I pretend to be happy and excited for him, although I think he noticed a hint of sadness in my words. He pulled me into a long, passionate kiss.

We pulled out the kiss, practically begging for air.

"Come with me." Brendon stared into my eyes.

"I can't do that! I'd be taking a lot of space on the tour bus, I'd be a bother there, really." I was honest with him.

"You won't. If anything, you'll make it better. Stop worrying for a bit and take risks, Anne Bennet." Brendon smiled. That smile of his was enough to make me go.

"Okay, I'll go." I smiled at Brendon and he pulled me into a quick kiss.

"Let's go out to celebrate." Brendon said, getting up from the bed.

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