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Here's yer answers.

...I'm worried about you guys.

urielicious ; Anne, what do you think of Ryan?

Oh, my. Ryan's my best friend, and I'm pretty sure I'm his too. He's always there for me whenever I need him. He's funny, and better than me at videogames. I love him like a brother, and I'm his little sister!
He gives nice bear hugs! I'm glad he offered to play COD with me, or else we probably wouldn't have grown so close. He's a smol bean.

urielicious ; Anne, are you a Ryden shipper or a Brallon shipper?

It's so hard to choose! Both of them are pretty damn adorable, although I think i'm shipping Ryden more. Gosh, what am I thinking? I gotta admit, sometimes I want Brendon all to myself <3

@jasey_bae17 & fobsessing ; Author, why did Anne have to die?

Because I'm a cruel person.
I'm just kidding.
I just thought that Anne's death would make the story more original than them just typically raising a child. I mean, let's face it, It would have been boring to read about Carolyn when all we wanted was Brendon and Anne to frickle frackle ;)
Also, I wanted the ending to leave an impact on readers, since I considered the story was starting to get typical and boring (that's also one of the reasons I decided to end it).

mychembrendon ; Author, did Brendon get with Spencer, Dallon or Ryan after his loss?

I'm gonna pretend this is a serious question.
No, he didn't. He grew closer to all of them, though.
Your brain is fucked up, but I love it.

@jasey_bae17 ; Author, is Brendon available now or is it too soon?

He's a widower, although that doesn't limit him in anything, he could date someone, yes. But after Anne's death, he was way too heartbroken. He refuses to take his wedding ring off, and as for now, the only girl he needs in his life is Carolyn.

urielicious ; Ryan, what do you think about Anne?

Anne is my little sister, and I'm her big brother. Nothing more, nothing less. I love her to bits, though. She's so funny and sarcastic, and she's easy to beat in COD. If Brendon dares to lay a finger on her, I'll break him apart.
When I first met Anne, I thought she was too shy, so I made her play videogames with me, and I let her pick which one. It was the best decision ever.

urielicious ; Brendon, are you a Ryanne shipper or a Ryden shipper?

Obviously Ryden. I mean, just look at him!
And also, I'd be disgusted if Anne and Ryan were ever an item. That is if I ever let her go, which will never happen, but, yeah. Ryden.

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