You're Perfect.

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Where we left off, well, where I made you be left off, Brendon and Anne represented a wonderful caricature of intimacy.

All that hate is gonna burn you up.

Anne's POV.

"ANNE! WAKE UP!" Brendon yelled at me, shaking me awake.

"What? What??" I worriedly woke up.

"Hi." Brendon smiled at me. I let out a sigh of relief and lightly punched his arm.

"I thought it was something serious, you asshole." I hid my face in his bare chest.

A chuckle came out of his mouth before his words. "What's more serious than a naked hot guy next to you in a bed?" Brendon smirked.

"You're right. This is really serious." I giggled. He smiled at me. Oh, that smile.

"You're so fucking cute." Brendon said, his gorgeous smile still plastered on his face. I swear, I melted in his arms.

"Stop saying nice things, you know I don't know how to react." I hid my face in my pillow.

"Argh, you're so damn adorable. Stop making me melt. Seriously, I'm supposed to make you blush." Brendon kissed my cheek and went to take a shower. So cheesy. What did I ever do to deserve this man?

I'm just a depressed mess, what does he see in me? He doesn't complain about the scars – forced by people over my body – or how much I complain about everything. I don't deserve this.

Apparently I was overthinking, because I didn't notice when Brendon went out of the shower, a towel covering the lower part of his body.

"This one or this one?" He said, pointing at the swimsuits he was holding up.

"We're going swimming?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Heck yeah we are, the pool needs some use. Now, tell me which one?" He smiled.

"This one." I said, pointing at some briefs he was holding up. It was obvious they were gonna be tight on him, but I'm gonna enjoy it.

He smiled, shaking his head. "Thought so, dirty girl." He laughed, winking at me.

"Go step in the shower, I'll pick something out for you." He said, a smile still prominent on his face.

"Do you even know where my swimsuits are?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I know a lot of things, Anne." He says, his tone dead serious.

"Fine. I'll step in the shower." I don't even wanna know the sort of things he was referring to.

I stepped in the shower and enjoyed the feel of warm water in my cold skin. As soon as Brendon leaves my side, I'm cold. It's never happened to me before. I blame him for his comfortable warmth.

I step out of the shower and cover my body with a towel, since Brendon was the one picking out my clothes.

I open the door and I see Brendon in his briefs, sitting down holding up a swimsuit. It was pretty revealing. You can't expect otherwise coming from him.

"For real?" I say, smiling and shaking my head at him.

"Hey, you're making me wear tight briefs, and we all know why. So I'm making you wear a sexy swimsuit." Brendon smirked. You mischievous little shit.

"Fine." I grabbed it and started to walk towards the bathroom.

"Nope, you're putting it on right here." Brendon said, a smirk still on his face.

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