I Told You, I Hate It.

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Enjoy, dirty kids.

The lace in your dress
Tangles my neck
How do I live?

Anne's POV.

I stepped out of the shower, a smirk still displayed on my face. There's nothing we loved more than teasing eachother.

I figured I'd wear a dress today because of two reasons:

One: I felt like it.

Two: I want to tease Brendon.

Who needs a date to dress fancy?

Speaking of, we haven't had our official first date, since I –well – I sort of teased Brendon. I can't help but to smile as I remember that night. I wonder how often we're gonna be able to enjoy ourselves like that if we're gonna go on tour. We are leaving pretty soon, though.

I stepped out of the shower. Brendon was using his phone, which he pretty much discarded as soon as he laid his eyes on me.

I put my black dress on. It was tight around my curves but it was just right.

I put on some makeup – not a lot, just some mascara and pencil liner on my waterline – and I went out of the bathroom, Brendon sitting down on the nearby couch, his reaction prominent as soon as he laid eyes on me.

"Wow- You look... Wow." Brendon stood up. He was wearing casual clothes, but he didn't need anything fancy to look attractive. He stared at me once more and kissed me.

"What's the dress for?" He asked me, a smile plastered on his face.

"You." I smiled, slightly biting my lip.

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, is Ms. Tease not being a tease anymore? Shucks, you'll lose your title." He laughed and I jokingly hit his shoulder.

"Come on, I'll make something to eat for you." He took my hand and led me to the kitchen. I opened my mouth to object, but he planted a kiss on my lips.

"No objecting. I wanna do this for you." Brendon pulled the chair that was in the dining table out for me. Seeing as I had no other choice, I sat down.

"You could do something else for me, yknow?" I said, a playful smirk on my face.

"You'll see the price you'll pay for teasing." He let out a laugh and I pouted. He was making some pasta. We've been having a lot of it lately, but, hey, it's easy and delicious. You can't blame us!

I stand up, moving next to Brendon, inevitably looking for a chance to help.

He sees me and pulls me close to him. "How about you move to my room, babe?" He asked.

He must be sure if he asked it with such ease.

Or maybe he'd been rehearsing it?

Yeah, yeah. That's it.

"Are you sure?" I asked Bren, making him glare at me.

"We've been sleeping in the same bed for a couple of days, we share the same bathroom. What kind of question is that?" He stated, a small smile on his face.

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