Vegas And Surprises.

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I hope you'll enjoy <3

In this little number,
We're graced by two displays of character.
We've got the gunslinger, extraordinaire,
A walking contradiction.

Anne's POV

I'm glad I finally got to meet all of Brendon's band members. They're all so kind and nice, funny, too. They've all got different personalities, but in a good way. I think Ryan and I could become really good friends someday, we have so much in common.

Everyone's been talking to Dallon since he arrived. Looks like they've all missed him.

"Anne?" Brendon interrupted my thoughts, once again.

"Yeah?" I smile at him.

He smiles back with those amazing thick lips complimenting his beautiful teeth. "Thinking?"

I shake my head, a smile still on my face. "You know me too well, Urie." He laughed and kissed my forehead.

"Alright, romances, bromances, we're here. Get your asses out before I make them go out." Zack said, a slight hint of tired in his voice.

"Alright, tough guy." Brendon rolled his eyes and took my hand. I smiled with excitement.

"Looks like you're ready." Brendon smiles at me, his eyes displaying affection.

"Yes! I've never been to a concert arena this huge. Heck, I've never been to Vegas!" I say, starting to look around.

"Now you will. And you'll get to go backstage, too." Brendon smiled at me, yet again.

We arrived backstage. It was amazing, to say the least. It had a bunch of mirrors, and chairs for everyone. It had a fridge filled with water and – of course – alcohol. Me and Brendon sat down backstage while the guys started getting the instruments out. Brendon tried to help, but Zack shoo'ed him away to be with me.

I guess he's not that bad.

"Want coffee?" Brendon asked. I felt nauseous once I smelled it's scent.

I attempt not to gag. "No, I don't feel so well." I admitted.

"Oh, what's wrong?" Brendon asks, concerned, and sets the coffee down.

I shrug. "I don't know, the smell of coffee is making me nauseous." I reply with honesty.

"Oh." Brendon picks the coffee up and spills it in the sink.

"Bren, it's okay if you wanted your coffee." I let out a slight smile and get up as well.

"Nah, it's okay." Brendon pulls me into a tight hug which I gladly return. He pulls away and kisses me. I smile and bite his lip, and he later reciprocated the action. He sat down and I sat on his lap, still kissing him.

"Brendon, we need y-" Ryan starts, we pull away.

He sighs. "Close the fucking door, don't you listen to your own songs?" Ryan shakes his head, slightly smiling.

"Sorry, we'll close the door next time." Brendon smirks. I blush, looking down.

"Whatever. Anyway, we need you at soundcheck." Ryan tells Brendon. I get off of his lap, and he gets up as well.

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