Time Gets To Us

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And I meant
everything I said that night
I will come back to life
But only for you.

Brendon's POV

I stare at Anne. I haven't slept much. I sigh.

I'm gonna be a dad.

It's been many weeks and I still can't get over it. I'm excited, but also really, really scared. This is Anne's first baby. This is my first baby. This is our first baby. I've gotta do everything as well as possible. I wonder when we'll get to organize everything properly.

The tour's almost over, I thought. We'll
finally have time to think about ourselves.

"Thinking much?" Anne says, her beautiful eyes looking up at me in curiosity.

"Did I wake you up?" I pull her close to me and she nuzzles her head in my chest.

"No. I woke up just because. Sometimes I just wake up and think." She slightly laughs. So did I.

"Remember what I said. Everything will be alright." I peck her lips.

"I know. I just can't wait to actually settle down." She sighs, cuddling me.

"...And eat all the food that I want anytime." She continues, laughing, and I join.

"I'll buy you all the food you want when we get back. I'll do anything to make you comfortable." I say in all honesty. I want her to have everything she wants in this world.

"Thanks, Bren." She smiles. I love it when she smiles. I mean, it makes me smile.

"What time is it anyway?" Anne starts to look for her phone, but I grab mine and tell her the time.

"5:30 A.M." I groan.

"Ugh." She nuzzles her head deeper in my chest. I let out a laugh.

"Shut the fuck up!" Ryan yells at us from his bunk bed.

"Sorry RyRo!" Anne yells back. She and Ryan have become close friends lately. I'm a jealous man, but I'm surprisingly completely fine with both of them being close.

"Guys." Someone pulls our curtain back. I turn around to see who it is.

"What is it, Zack?" I ask him. He's been less of a dick to Anne lately.

"Since you guys are awake, I wanted to let you know we're almost in the last show's location." He informed us.

"So early?" Anne whined.

"I know, right? But they're letting us park the bus here so we can peacefully sleep. I do need all of you ready at 2:00 O'Clock, so get some rest." He said, closing the curtain.

"Thanks, Zack." I told him, sincerely. Not only because of what he just said, but because he's been more understanding of Anne and I.

"Welcome." He said back, and I think he understood what I meant.

I turn back to Anne, "Let's try to sleep, babe." I kiss her forehead.

"Mm, okay. I'll try. I love you." She smiles, a familiar feeling present on her face.

"I love you too. So much." I smile back, reciprocating her feeling, love. I close my eyes, eventually drifting to sleep.


Anne's POV

I yawn. What time is it?

12 P.M. I have to wake up Brendon.

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