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I smile as Brendon, pulling away from the kiss softly.

I laugh, thinking about how this came to be, how we ended up in this place, at this moment. I also enjoy this embrace me and Brendon were sharing.

"What are you laughing about?" Brendon raised an eyebrow.

I shake my head, smiling. "Oh, nothing, just a thought."

"Come on, I wanna laugh too, tell me." Brendon pouted. I eventually gave in.

"I was just thinking about how we ended up here, so fast, right now, I don't know..." I blushed. "It's kind-of stupid, I know." I shrugged.

"Okay, that was stupid." Brendon laughed.

"Brendon!" I punched his shoulder.

"I'm just kidding! It was cute, just like you." He pecked my nose, a smile still on his face. He seems way happier now than when he was with Sarah. I smile at the thought of being able to make him happy.

"You know, you think a lot." He smiles at me in the most adorable way, I swear.

"I do, but they're nice thoughts." I tighten my embrace around Brendon's neck and he grips my waist.

"Nice or sexy?" Brendon whispered in my ear. I swallowed hard.

"I like it when you get tense around me, Anne." I tried to steady my breathing, but failed miserably.

What am I, fourteen and horny?

"I-I'm not tense." I try to convince him.

"You sure about that?" He whispers close to my neck, making me shiver and places one of my hands on his chest. I gulped and couldn't help but to feel his chest. He smirked and pulled me into a heated kiss. His hands eventually making their way and holding tightly to my ass. I let out a yelp and Brendon let go.

"Did I do something wrong?" I worriedly asked Brendon.

"You did nothing wrong, babe." I stared at him, arms crossed.

"Then why did you pull away?" I asked him.

"Because things get better when you wait." He smirked, causing me to clench my teeth.

"Y-you... You can't do that!" I yelled at him.

He laughed. "Of course I can, even more if I know how tense you get."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, shut up."

What is he doing to me?

Around an hour after, we got out of the pool and changed into some dry clothes, which, by the way, Brendon made me change into in front of him, because he says it'll make me feel better about myself or something.

I sigh and lay down on the couch next to Brendon. He wraps his arms around me and I lay on his chest. We start to watch a movie and my phone rings.

"Excuse me for a second." I say, and pick up the call.

"You have two days to leave, Annabeth." The call was hung up afterwards.

That voice...

I stared at Brendon with nothing but fear in my eyes, knowing he heard the call.

"What the fuck should I do?" I panic and yell at Brendon.

"Calm down, baby. It was probably just an idiot calling trying to fuck you up. And if anything, I'll be here to protect you." He tightened his grip.

"Brendon, you... You don't know what he's capable of, he- he'll kill you. No, no..." I trail off into my anxiety.

"No he won't, Anne. Calm down, besides, the call was from an unknown number, how do you even know who he is?" Brendon tried to comfort me.

"He- he's Harrison Morris. He beat me up for weeks when I was a teenager. I escaped, I was so damn lucky to be able to escape. My- my parents never found out about it. He's the one who left all these scars, Brendon. You have no fucking idea what he's capable of." I shook in fear.

"He left those scars on your amazing body?" Brendon started to sound more worried now.

"Y-yes Brendon... He'll come back and he'll kill us both!" I was shaking even more now.

"Not if we can stop him." He stands up.

I tremble with fear, yet manage to worry about Brendon. "How in the world do you plan to-"

"Zack. Zack Hall."



- Vi.

Word Count: 776

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