Guess What, I Hate It Too.

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This chapter is a continuation from the previous. It's basically the sex scene from the previous chapter.

So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat and hold your lover close?

Anne's POV.

If you don't wanna read smut, feel free to skip this chapter!

Oh, I'm gonna earn it.

As I took Brendon's shirt off, we continued to kiss. Only breaking apart to allow the removal of his shirt. I started running my hands over his slightly toned chest, biting his lip onto the kiss. I felt him smile into it, which let me know he was enjoying it. It was working.

I started to unbutton his jeans, which he seemed excited about, if you know what I mean. I broke the kiss to get down on my knees and pull his underwear off. His cock popped out of his boxers, hitting his stomach, biting my lip at the sight, which made Brendon smirk. I let out a slight smirk as well, as I grabbed his cock with my hand and started palming up and down, slowly. He let out some small moans here and there, but I knew this wasn't gonna be enough to earn it.

To earn him.

I stare up at him, "I hate being teased, too." I smirk again.

He bites his lip, grabbing a hold of my hair before saying: "Fuck, you look so sexy like that."

I smiled, licking the tip of his cock, and then took all of him inside of my mouth. I kept a slow and steady pace. Pleasurable, and time-earning.

He tilted his head back at the pleasure and kept his grip onto the back of my head. He didn't move my head, I assume it was because he didn't want to force his dick in my mouth. He grunted and pushed me off.

"Anne." He stared at me. I stared back.

"You've earned it." He continued to stare at me, pure lust in his eyes.

I shake my head. "But I didn't do any-" He shushed me.

"Anne. I want to fucking ravage your insides." He admitted.

I'm pretty sure I turned into a puddle of water. "Please do it." I said.

"Say it." He begged into my ear.

"I want you to fuck me hard, Brendon." I begged into his ear. He ripped my underwear apart and didn't hesitate to go inside me. I gasped as he grasped my ass and thrusted hard into me. Our chests were touching, we were close to eachother.

He groaned. "Fuck, take this shit off." He took my dress off.

"This is so much better." He said, and proceeded to start to suck on my neck, instantly finding my sweet spot, while he was still thrusting hard onto my cunt, massaging my clit. I grasped onto his back from the pleasure and he didn't seem to mind.

"Oh, oh- fuck. Anne..." He started to say, signalling he was close. He thrusted even harder, which made me tighten my grip onto his back. He screamed my name out, and eyaculated. I was surprised I had not reached my limit yet, because I was experiencing an incredible amount of pleasure.

"The teaser needs more?" He smirked. I bit my lip as he ran his hands over my breasts, down to my waist, then my inner thighs. He slowly moved his hands onto my clit, yet again, and started to rub slowly. I moaned.

"Can vibrators do this for you?" He asked as he brought his tongue down onto my clit and started circling, pinching and sucking. I don't think I've ever been so overwhelmed with pleasure.

"Can they?" He whispered, in between breaths.

"N-no... They can't.." I whimpered out.

"Good." He smirked and continued. I let out a couple loud moans. I was getting close to my climax, and Brendon could notice. He started moving his tongue faster.

"Oh my god, Brendon!" I yelled out and started to quiver. He smirked at me. We both flopped down on the bed. There were no words. We fell asleep not so long after, but we didn't need to tell eachother it was amazing. Even better than before, since now we knew what we wanted.

And that was eachother.


Enjoy your smut, you dirty kids.


- Vi.

Word count: 730

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