Reality Strikes Us.

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"What the fuck?" Brendon took Sarah's ring.

"She really is cheating on me, isn't she?" Brendon looked at me, tears were threatening to spill out of his eyes, and he shook his head to brush them off, placing his hands on the stool, lost in thought.

I sigh. "I'm so sorry, Brendon." I just stare at him. I really don't know what to tell him right now.

I observed Brendon for a few seconds. His beautiful brown eyes were now red and puffy, his lips pressed together to avoid any tears from falling, his big adorable nose turned red, and it honestly broke my heart.

Brendon stared at me for a second, and walked over to me. He opened his arms, as if he was asking me if I could hug him. I pulled him into the hug as a "yes". I wasn't comfortable getting into the hug, because I'm just his maid. But on the other hand, I didn't want to release from the tight grasp Brendon had on me. I was all he had and he sure as hell wasn't gonna let me go anytime soon. I was loving this, I just don't think this is the correct relationship to have with my boss. That was the only thing keeping me away from getting to know Brendon better.

"I'm sorry, I just need someone right now." Brendon bluntly said.

"I'm here for you, Brendon." I ran my hands through his hair. It was so soft, and he smelled so nice- Argh, pull it together. He's still married, and he's your boss.

He pulled away from the hug slowly and sat down. I sat down next to him, keeping my distance.

"I know you're distant from me because I'm your boss. But I don't need a maid right now, I need a friend." Brendon stared at me. Those eyes, I'd do anything for them. Yes, I'd be more than a friend as well, and there's no denying it. I won't get a chance with him anyway, but I can't deny I'm starting to like Brendon as more than a friend.

"You've got me, Bren." I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Thanks Anne. You know, I gave her everything. And she just- cheats as if I've done something wrong to her. If anything, I've done everything she's wanted me to, fuck, I even bought her everything she wanted. I treated her like a princess, why would she do this?" Brendon groans. "I'm so fucking mad." He tries to compose himself, much to my dismay.

He looks sexy when he's mad.

The phone rang, thankfully interrupting my thoughts.

"Sarah." Brendon answered and put it on speakerphone.

Brendon's POV

"Brenny, I won't be coming home today, I've got more work to do." Sarah said. Bullshit.

"Don't bother, you fucking cheating bitch." I spat out.

"Fuck you." She hung up. So blunt. I don't know what I did. I didn't do anything she didn't want.

I sighed and set my phone on the counter. Anne stared at me with a concerned look. It looks like she's worrying about the whole subject as well, and I feel terrible for dragging her into this mess. She's a really nice girl, she's beautiful and funny. She's an amazing cook, and from what I've heard her yell in her shower, she's got a great music taste too. She's interesting.

And sexy.

"Bren, you okay?" She gave me a slight smile. I had zoned out.

"I'm better now, thank you for listening to me, I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Brendon, if you need someone, I'm not gonna leave you here. I'm here for you, and I always will be as long as I'm around. You're pretty much my only friend in here, and for you to actually trust me, wow, I should be the one thanking you." She let out a smile. A beautiful sincere smile.

"Thank you, so much." I pulled her into a hug. She let out a slight giggle and hug me back. I smiled and rested my chin on her head. She's small.

So sexy.

Anne's POV

I yawned. I'm tired already?

It has been a tiring day, filled with drama. But I'm glad I could make Brendon laugh.

"All my rambling's got you sleepy?" Brendon smirked. Heh. He's sexy when he smirks.

Stop it.

I nervously shook my head. "Nah, I'm still getting used to this routine, so I get tired early." I replied.

"Okay, go to sleep then." Brendon hugged me, and I gladly returned the hug.

He held my hand. "Thank you, Anne." He smiled and let go, as he headed off to his room. I giggled and started walking to my room.

"I HEARD THAT GIGGLE!" Brendon yelled out. My face turned tomato red and I ran to my room and hid my face in the pillow. He can't know I like him.

But I can't hide the truth for long.


Word Count: 834

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