Unexpected Tears. *Ending*

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I am always yours.

Brendon's POV.


Birth was waiting for us next.

We were just about to start a show, our last show, to be specific, and Anne and I are outside, standing up, talking.

The baby wasn't due until two months, or that's what we thought until Anne's water broke.

Luckily, my car was here and I was able to speed towards the hospital, not really telling anyone I was leaving, and not bothering to pick up anything other than baby clothes and clothes for Anne.

Anne was sitting beside me, and I was driving. My hands were shaking and my face was pale, but I was trying to keep calm. This is my first child, though, so it's hard to do that. Especially when Anne's yelling because of her contractions that only got worse and worse. Damn it, why do hospitals have to be so far away?

"It's gonna be okay, baby. We're almost there." I rub her shoulder with my right hand, and use my left to drive. She yells again.

"It's alright, take a deep breath in, let it out." I keep rubbing her shoulder.

I try to calm her down. "Are you feeling nauseus? Dizzy? Hea-"

"Light-headed... Really... Light- AARGH!" Anne tries to explain. After a couple more minutes of continuous yelling, I park into the hospital and wheelchair her in, a nurse instantly placing her into a room.

I start pacing in the hallway. She's only 7 months into the pregnancy and she's already going into labor? I hope everything's okay.

I feel something vibrating in my pocket. My phone.

"Hello?" I answer it, emotionless.

"Brendon fucking Urie, where the fuck are you and Anne? We have a concert to play! You can't just storm off like tha-"

"Anne's gone into labor, Ryan." I coldly replied. I honestly have no idea what to do with my feelings right now. I'm just so damn worried. I bite my lip to prevent my eyes from tearing up and start to fiddle with my wedding ring.

"Annie's gone into labor? Fuck, shit, man! Is she okay?" Ryan's aggravated tone changed to a worried one.

"I have no fucking clue! I can't even see my fucking wife at a situation like this. It's driving me insane, Ryan!" I blurt out, my voice cracking and tears spilling out of my eyes.

"Listen, just- calm down, Brendon. We'll tell everyone we've had some difficulties and we'll be right over. If not, I'll be there. I hope they let you in before I get there, or I'm gonna go insane as well." Ryan takes a deep breath and attempts to calm me down, which doesn't really work.

Seriously? "I can't stay fucking calm and collected when my wife is in extreme pain and my child is at risk! What the fu-"

"Mr. Urie?" A nurse calls for me, interrupting my sentence.

"That's me, is she okay?" I walk towards her.

"She's in stable condition and requesting to see you. She's in that room over there." The nurse points to Anne's room.

"Thank you so much." I start to walk towards Anne's room.

"I'll see you soon, they're letting me in." I let Ryan know I'm able to see Anne.

"I'll be there." He hangs up.

I take a deep breath and slowly open the door to see Anne with the most tired face I've ever seen.

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