Craziness Aside, It's Just Right.

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Love came along,
And said
"Leave them be."

Brendon's POV

"Alright guys, let's head back to the bus. We have a day off before we head to San Francisco, if any of you wanna go to a hotel or such, feel free to do so." Zack said, the moment we got off the stage.

Anne walks to me and I give her a peck on the lips.

"Alright, I'm leaving." Zack waves goodbye and we all wave back.

"So... Hey, where's my kiss?" Dallon jokes.

"Oh, sorry, come here baby." I pucker my lips and walk over to Dallon.


"Those blue eyes man." I joke, putting the back of my hand on Dallon's cheek.

"That forehead is my spirit animal." Dallon jokes back and I laugh shaking my head.

"Right, so, are you guys done with your gay shit?" Jon asks.

"Ryan's in the bathroom unfortunately." I fake pout. Jon rolls his eyes. "Besides, there's nothing wrong with being gay, Jon!"

"I never said there was!" He shakes his his head. "I'm gonna call a cab. Catch ya later. Take care guys." Jon waves goodbye at us.

"Bye Jon!" Anne waves.

"See ya dude." I wave as well.

"Wanna stay at a hotel or in the tour bus?" I ask Anne, although I already knew the answer.

"Hotel. We both need a break from bunk beds." She smiles.

I laugh. "Alright, I'll call a-"

"Guys, I'm heading out. The cab's here, ride with us if you will." Spencer interrupted.

"Sure, we'll go." I say, gladly splitting the fare.

"I'm here, bitches." Ryan comes out of nowhere.

"Look who finally decided to show up." I jokingly scoff at him.

"Not supporting your gay jokes." He says. "You know I'm in it for the real deal, baby." He jokingly winks, but breaks out in laughter shortly after. I laugh with him and so does Anne.

"Anyways, are you coming with us Annie?" Ryan asks Anne.

"I've got no choice, Ryro. Kinda carrying this dick's child." Anne joked, pointing at me.

"Point further down and you'll be correct." I smirk. Anne rolls her eyes, but I can see a blush creeping up on her cheeks.

"Alright, let's go." I take Anne's hand and start to walk towards the cab.

We sit down in the cab and stare outside while the taxi drives us to our hotel.

I stare at Anne. Her birthday's tomorrow. My eyes widen as soon as my mind comes to the sudden realization.

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