Ms. ImVeryHappyToday.

957 32 79


I'd like to believe
In all the possibilities.


Brendon's POV

The guys and I talked for a couple of hours, and Anne was either hiding, sleeping, or reading in the bunk bed. I decided I'd go check on her since it's been so long, and we're also gonna make a bus stop before we continue to drive to Vegas.

"Hold on guys, I've gotta see what Anne's doing." I stand up, pausing the conversation.

"Go on, loverboy." Spencer says. I roll my eyes at him. I walk towards the bunk beds.

"Anne?" I say, and get no response in return.

"Babe?" I say, this time, opening the bunk bed's curtain.

"Hmm? Oh, sorry. I was distracted." She replied to me, a book in her hand.

"It's all good. We're making a stop soon, just in case you wanna buy something." I told her.

"Sure, I'm pretty hungry actually." She smiles and I peck her nose.

"Okay, you need to be out of the bunk in five minutes then." I smile at her and close the curtains.

"Is Anne coming?" Ryan asked.

"Yup, she'll be out by the time the bus stops." I replied.

"What's she doing? She's been in there for hours." Jon asked.

"She's reading a book. I think she's on to writing something." I smile, thinking about how her work experience with me could definitely be turned into a book.

Maybe she could call it Urie's Maid.

"You've got a smart gamer chick. Don't be a dumbass and let her go." Spencer warns me.

I roll my eyes. "I won't, Spence..."

"Just saying..." He raises both of his hands.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask him.

"We know old Brendon. We're afraid he's gonna come back. We're afraid you're using her to forget Sarah." Jon shrugged.

"That's bullshit. I've changed. I love Anne, and I'd never use her." I honestly replied.

"Alright then." Spencer says.

Anne comes out of her bunk and walks over to me. I place my arm around her waist. She looks at me and I peck her lips.

"I hope your cuteness doesn't steal my gaming buddy." Ryan jokes.

"I hope your gaming buddy stops sucking at COD." I joke back.

"I hope my asshole boyfriend understands that I actually had a life and I didn't play as much as he did." Anne smiled at me.

"Burn!" Ryan called out.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'll go easier on you next time." I tell Anne. Everyone stares at me.

"You're all so dirty minded." I say. They all burst into laughter and even Anne laughs, instead of covering her face.

"Sorry to interrupt your fun, but if anyone wants to go shop for something, hop out now." Zack says.

We all get out of the bus and go shopping. We pick out a shitload of drinks and food. It barely fits on the register. Each one of us has at least two bags of food and drinks, and other things. We walk over to the bus and start to store things, Anne already organizing everything we misplace.

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