Explanation and Wedding.

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(Imagine that's Anne and not Sarah, kay? Kay.)

It's a hell of a feeling, though.

Brendon's POV.

Today is the day.

I know I sound like I've been waiting forever for this day, but I'm so nervous about it.

Of course you are Brendon, it's your damn wedding day.

I look around and notice Anne's not with me. I was forgetting she'd left to get dressed and get to the venue before me, as she wanted the dress to be a surprise.

I take a quick shower and I brush my teeth afterwards. I have to check out, I thought as I raised my wrist up to look at the time in my watch.

10:00 A.M. The checkout is until 12:30 P.M, so I'll have spare time to get ready. Anne already packed her things, and I wouldn't doubt she packed mine, since she's so organized.

I shave my scruffy beard and put on some underwear before walking to the bed, where my tuxedo was laying along with a pre-knotted tie. Damn it, I love this girl so much. I pick my tux up, and notice there's a note laying in the bed besides the tie.

It's a letter from Anne.



Today is our big day! I'm surprised you had everything planned out so perfectly. And, you know what? Even if it doesn't go right, I'd still be as happy and as proud as I can be to be your wife. Wow, that sounds weird. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I love you to the moon and back, and I'm probably really anxious, or nervous, by the time you're reading this.
But I still can't wait to see how handsome you're gonna look in that tux :)

I'll see you when we're married, beebo.

Always yours,

I smile to myself as I place the letter in a bag. I love letters. Especially with Anne's handwritting. It also has a faint smell of her perfume and it's making me go insane. I can't wait to see her.

I walk up to the mirror and start to get dressed. White shirt, black pants, tux, and of course, the tie.

I stare at myself after I'm all dressed up and realize my hair is still a mess. I open up the hair gel jar and place some into my currently loose hair. I style it backwards, like I usually do, and take a look in the mirror.

I look nice. What a smol beebo.

I sigh and laugh and my stupid thoughts. I really have to stop paying attention to those dumbass comments. I call a cab and as I wait for him I spray some perfume on, (Anne's favorite, may I add) and finish packing everything that had been left outside of the suitcases.

The cab eventually arrives and we both somehow manage to fit everything into the car, and drive towards the wedding venue.

As we're arriving in the venue I came to the sudden realization this would be Anne's first time meeting my parents. The day we get married. Huh.

Now, you might ask, Beebo, why are you proposing this crazy scheme of marrying Anne the day after you propose to her?
Well, my dear reader, after staring at Anne's gorgeous eyes for so long, I eventually came to the realization that if I wanted to marry her, it had to be now or in two years time. But why didn't you wait two years?
Are you forgetting my wonderful Anne is pregnant, dear Watson? I want the best for our future, as well as our baby's.

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