I'm Your Maid.

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Thank you, again, for your support in this story! It means the world to me, and I'm dead serious when I say it. I'd like to especially thank three people; @Daniellasophiax , @trohmeme and @fluff2233 for voting, commenting, and overall, saying really nice things about this story.

I really work hard to make sure you guys enjoy, even if it's a little difficult to find the right time to write a chapter.

So thank you, guys.

Loads of love,

- Vi.

When I say shotgun, you say wedding.
Shotgun, wedding!

Anne's POV.

As soon as I realised I woke up the next morning, there was a big smile plastered on my face.

This is ridiculous. I can't like a married man. I can't like my boss.

This can't be. It never can.

I sigh and get up from the bed. It's time to make breakfast. I start to rub my eyes as I walk towards the kitchen. When I opened my eyes, I realized Brendon was making breakfast.

"What did you even hire me for?" I bluntly said. I had nothing left to do but to sigh.

"To clean. Because I suck at cleaning." Brendon slightly laughed and handed me a plate with food on it. I sighed and took it. There's really no such thing as a "no" to Brendon.

"I'm sorry, if you don't like being here, you're free to leave and find another job." Brendon frowned and stared at me. He started playing with his food and I instantly felt guilty.

I nearly choked on my spit. "No, no! It's not that I don't want the job. I just think I don't deserve being treated like this. It's too much for someone like me." I stared into his sad eyes.

"Someone like you? You deserve so much more, because you're a really kind-hearted, beautiful girl who just needs help making her way through life. And I know what that feels like. I want to help you, maid." Brendon looked at me with pleading eyes.

I blushed and giggled at the fact he called me "maid". He's never called me that before.

I warmly smiled. "Thank you, Brendon. This means the world to me. I'm just trying to get to where I wanna be in life, which, to be honest, I'm not sure where that is. I just know I don't wanna be at home." I explained.

Brendon clears his throat and starts to speak in an australian accent. "Ah, yes, the distress stage. Very common in adolescence. You might experience some-"

"Brendon!" I punched him lightly in the chest. "I'm serious."

"Sorry." He pouted.

"It's okay." I giggle.

He takes a glimpse of me. "But more like an existential crisis since puberty is over for you and-"

"You're impossible." I let out a light laugh and stood up to wash the plates. After I was done, I took out the trash and washed my hands. I have to clean the bathroom today. God knows what Sarah stores in there.

I walk to the closet where they keep all their cleaning supplies and go to the bathroom and proceed to clean it, scrubbing every single spot, making sure to leave everything squeaky clean and with a nice smell to it.

After a while. I'm done cleaning the bathroom. I let out a satisfied sigh and store the cleaning supplies back to the closet.

As soon as I'm done storing everything, I hear very desperate knocking on the door.

I run up to the door to open it. Must be something serious.

I open the door to have Sarah and her empty suitcases push past me.

"Where the fuck are my clothes?" She yelled at me.

My eyes widen in surpise. "I folded them in your dresser." I gulped.

"Don't touch my shit, you bitch." She snapped at me.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Sarah?" Brendon walked out of the kitchen.

"I'm here to pick up my stuff since little miss maid doesn't want me here." Sarah angrily said.

"What the fuck did I do?" I was starting to get pissed. This is not you, Anne. Apologize now-

"Oh shut the fuck up. Everything was fine until you came along. It was obviously something that had to do with you!" She hissed. So much for apologizing.

"Sarah, shut the fuck up. Quit your whining! She had absolutely nothing to do with your cheating ass, so just get your shit and get the fuck out." Brendon stood up for me.

"Oh, what. Are you guys banging now?" Sarah let out a sarcastic laugh. I slightly blushed.
"Oh, come on, Brendon. You could do SO much better." She laughed at me.

Brendon walked to what used to be Sarah's dresser and roughly threw her clothes on her suitcase.

"Leave, you fucking cold-hearted bitch." Brendon spat out. She glared at him and ran out the door, not forgetting to slam the door behind her.

I didn't notice I was crying until I felt my face soak Brendon's shirt. What Sarah said really didn't help my low self-esteem.

"I'm sorry. She was so right about everything she said about me." I cried out.

"Hey, no. Don't say that, because it's obviously not true. Are you gonna believe what something a slut like Sarah says? You are so much better than her. Like, so much better. You're beautiful, and sorry if this disturbs you, but you're fucking sexy in those maid clothes. You care about others more than you care about yourself. Fuck, believe it or not, you're fucking perfect to me, Anne." Brendon rambled. I felt so special as he said all those things to me, right there in his arms. I feel as if he didn't mean to say those things, like they just spilled out. But I'm glad they did.

But again,

I slightly blush, Brendon's gaze nearly burning my skin. "I don't deserve all of this. I'm your maid. I do what you tell me to do. You pay me for it. That's how it should be."

"Then kiss me, maid." He says, in the most demanding tone.

I lightly gasp, hoping he didn't hear it. "But, Mr. Urie, you're married..." I start, just as he grasps my waist and inches closer to me.

"Stop me, then." He stares at me, waiting for me to tell him no, but seemingly, my eyes were saying yes.

And then our lips hungrily crashed together.


Word count: 1078

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