Let's Talk.

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If you're going then go,

Go, go, go.


Anne's POV.

I'm so fucking done.

My heart is torn into a million pieces right now.

I know how cliché that sounds, but it's the only thing I'm certain of right now. I don't know if it was Brendon's fault or not, but, still.

Sarah's pregnant. I sighed.

I walked to a nearby hotel. Thankfully, Brendon had given me my first paycheck before any of this happened.

I eventually got a room, and threw all my suitcases on the floor.

I plopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

I'm so confused.


Brendon's POV.

The next day. (Tour day)

After a while of waiting – and knowing some people – I got the paternity results. Sarah was sitting beside me. Having her beside me was one of the worst experiences in my life. Her presence used to drive me crazy, but now it makes me irritated.

I didn't hesitate to open the envelope where the results were. I started to read.

I'm not the father.

"Well, will you look at that, Sarah?" I took a picture of the results. I know Sarah too well. I threw a copy to her. She gasped and her hands started shaking.

"Have fun finding the father." I spat out.

"Also, I'll need the keys to the house's gate." I extended my hand out. She handed the keys to me, still in shock.

"Now, piss off. I have to find my girl." I bluntly said, and ran out the hospital doors. I dialled Anne's number. Please, please pick up.

"Brendon." I hear her voice, in the coldest tone possible. It doesn't matter for now, she picked up.

"Hey." My voice cheered up after hearing her voice.

"What do you want?" She bluntly asked me.

"I was, uh... Just wondering if you'd like to meet for coffee." Please, say yes.

"Coffee? What?" She nervously laughs.

"What? Can't I offer you a cup of coffee?" I scratched the back of my head.

"Brendon..." She sounded hesistant. But I know her. I know she really wants to. However, I can't exactly blame her for doubting herself. I was confused, too.

"Anne, please..." I pleaded.

"Okay, Brendon. We'll get coffee. That's it."

"Okay, meet me at the outside of the Shedd Aquarium." I smiled to myself. She loves the aquarium.

"Aquarium? We're going for coffee." She asked me. She was probably confused as fuck.

"We are. I'll see you there." I smiled.

She stuttered. "Wait, Br-" I hung up.

She'll meet me there, I know it.

I started up my car and drove to Starbucks to get Anne's favourite coffee. She loves coffee so much she mumbles about it in her sleep. She's never told me about it, but I figured a Caramel Frappuccino would be her favorite. There's grass in the outside of the Aquarium, so I'll set up a blanket and sit down next to her there.

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