Things Have Changed, And That's Okay.

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Oh, kiss me.


Brendon's POV.

Oh, god. Why did I do that?

Why did I get that sudden outburst? I'm still married, for fuck's sake. She probably kissed me back because I told her to. Of course she doesn't like me. I'm not good enough for her.

"Fuck, Anne. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. You're probably not even- I - we, I don't know, fuck, I'm sorry." I grasp my hair. I'm fucking rambling.

"Brendon." She looked at me dead in the eye.

"What?" I nervously looked at her.

"Shut up and do it again." Her pleading eyes were enough to make me lean in for another kiss. This time, it was more passionate and, well, steamy.

We were interrupted by my phone's ringing. I grunted into the kiss and was forced to break it.

"Just when I was about to bend you over that table..." I groaned and picked up the phone.

She gasped, and I've never seen, or heard, something so sexy in my life.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hellooo?" I asked, after hearing a few seconds of silence.

"Helloooooo?" I asked again, for the last time.

"EAT DICK, BRENNY." Dallon, my band member, yelled into his phone and hung up almost instantly. He always did immature stupid shit like this. It was funny, but not at this moment. Especially because of what he interrupted. I let out an annoyed sigh.

"Everything okay?" Anne asked, her breathing still fast.

"Yeah, just my bandmate Dallon being a fucking idiot." I laughed at her. She let out a slight laugh.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna make food." Anne said.

"Or..." I pulled her back by her waist.

"You could stay with me a while and do something for me." I whispered into her ear. I could feel her shiver.

"I have to do my job, Brendon." She quietly said.

"I'm your boss, and you must do what I say." I smirked at her.

She gasped. "Yes sir."

"I like it when you call me that." I whispered in her ear.

Anne's POV

The sexual tension that I was feeling right now was intense, because Mr. Brendon decided to be a tease.

"Also, we can order takeout." Brendon smiled. I stared at him.

"You just wanna fuck me, don't you?" I bluntly asked him.

"Of course not, Anne. It's just funny to see you try to hide your desire for me." Brendon let out an evil smirk. I sighed.

He rolled his eyes. "You know, sometimes, you have to stop exhaling so your brain can get some oxygen."

"Got a problem with my sighing?" I stare at him.

"No, not at all. Just worrying about your health." Brendon said, sarcastically. I giggled.

"I know this isn't the best subject, but, Sarah?" I start to say, immediately regretting it.

"We're done for. I already printed out the divorce papers and sent them her way." Brendon answered.

"Wow, that was fast..." My eyes widen and I let out a small laugh.

"I know some people." He smirks at me.

"Of course you do." I roll my eyes

"So... I'm still your maid, right?" I awkwardly asked. I didn't wanna mess up things.

"No, you're my sexy maid." Brendon smiled at me. I felt my stomach flip and I went dizzy.

"Okay, I need some water." I walked to the kitchen while Brendon laughed loudly, and gulped down the glass of water.

I yawn. "Is it okay with you if I take a nap? I know it hasn't been that long since I woke up, but, since I don't have to cook-"

Brendon dragged me into his bed and laid down beside me.

"Let's take a nap, Anne." He wrapped his arms around me and I couldn't help but giggle. I scooted over to his chest and closed my eyes. Brendon placed a light kiss on my neck right before I fell into a comfortable deep slumber.

Not yet.


Word Count: 726

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