Bus Fun.

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Just for the record, the weather today is slightly sarcastic

with a good chance of A. Indifference or B. Disinterest

in what the critics say.


Anne's POV

The door closes and we immediately start moving. Brendon was starting to take all of our suitcases and placing them near what he claimed was our bunk bed.

I stare at my feet for a while, but eventually build up the courage to walk over to where Brendon is. He's still storing the suitcases, but I'd be visible to everyone here.

"Nervous?" Brendon says, keeping his voice low. I can tell he wants it to be a surprise for them. I don't know why, though.

"Very." I whispered back.

"Come on, I'll introduce you." Brendon have me a reasurring smile and led me over to a room in the bus, taking my hand. Everyone was sitting there. It was like the bus's living room.

"Hey guys." Brendon greets everyone. They all stand up and give him a "bro hug". Some of them shyly wave at me, obviously not knowing who I am.

Eventually, Brendon's done saying hi to everyone.

"Guys, this is Anne. Anne, this is Ryan, Jon, Spencer, and you already know Zack." He introduces me to them, and vice-versa, pointing to everyone as he said their names.

"Nice to meet you." They all say in unison. I smile back at them. "Nice to meet you too." I bite my lip.

At least I wasn't too awkward.

"So, no offense to the beautiful lady, but what's she doing here?" Spencer asked me. I expected someone to ask that. Of course I wasn't offended. I doubt I'd get offended by anyone from the band.

"She's uh, she's my girlfriend." Brendon snaked his arm around my waist and held me close to him. He seemed confident about telling them, but also not really.

"Oh." Spencer said.

There's the awkwardness.

"I'm uh- ...I'm skipping the details on how we met for later. All I've gotta say is that it was unexpected. We met by the time me and Sarah were having our problems. She was there throughout the whole thing, supporting me and advising me, while Sarah bailed out on me." He briefly explained.

"Thought so!" Ryan yelled.

"Dammit!" Jon said, handing Ryan a 20 dollar bill.

"Did you guys seriously bet on her?" Brendon glared at them. I laughed.

"Did you guys think she was a hooker?" Brendon rolled his eyes.

"Well..." Jon started to say.

"Does she even look like a hooker to you?" Brendon almost yelled at Jon.

"No, but we thought you'd go back to 18-year-old hormone-powered Brendon." Jon replied. I was still laughing.

"How come you're laughing at this?" Brendon rolled his eyes at me.

"I'm sorry, it's just- funny..." I say, catching my breath.

"Yeah, yeah..." Brendon looked the other way, holding back laughter.

"I don't know, Brendon. You better not let this one go. She seems like an awesome girl." Spencer told him, gesturing to me. I slightly blushed.

"Who said I was going to?" Brendon smiled at me and pulled me closer to him. I smiled back.

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