Chapter 10:

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Mature language appears once or twice

This chapter is mostly song lyrics lololol. ITS SUPER LONG AS WELL ARE YOU HAPPY IM MAKING UP FOR THE WAIT

i made a deal with Penguin_Princess96  that i wouldnt update TB until she updated her story That Special Someone. Oh, yeah, you should go read it btw

May 2019

It has been thirteen months, one year and one month. Three hundred ninety-six days.

It's been a little over a year since my mom's passing. Again, I have gotten better and know my family has, too.

I still have dreams though; sometimes they are good, like reliving memories. Most of the time they are bad- My mom will come up to me and scream in my face, saying I didn't do enough in life.

I have a tendency to have nightmares regularly, but having your mom telling you you're worthless hurts more than any monster's claws digging into your skin.

Again, because of my best friends' busy schedules, I see them only a few times a year. This is one of those times of year. They had both just got done with each of their third tours.

Ella wanted to do a cover with me, a song she likes: Control by Halsey.

So, we sat in a recording studio that Ella had rented in LA, taking turns recording each other.

We had half of the song done and I was working on my half of the chorus.

"I'm bigger than my body, I'm colder than this home. I'm meaner than my demons, I'm bigger than these bones," I sing, my voice slightly straining from the few hours we've been working. "And all these kids cried out, 'Please stop you're scaring me'; I can't help this awful energy. Goddamn right, you should be scared of me. Who is in control?"

I step away from the mic a bit as the beat played, opening my eyes. I preferred to record with my eyes closed; To be able to hear the music better. Diving back in, I hold the ears of my headphones while starting to sing again, "I paced around for hours, on empty, I jumped at the slightest of sounds- And I couldn't stand the person inside me, I turned all the mirrors around.

"I'm bigger than my body," This is a part Ella and I would sing together in the final version, "I'm bigger than my body, I'm colder than this home. I'm meaner than my demons, I'm bigger than these bones. And all these kids cried out, 'Please stop you're scaring me'; I can't help this awful energy. Goddamn right, you should be scared of me. Who is in control?"

The music cuts out, the dark studio becoming light again through the tinted windows.

"That was fucking amazing," Ella's voice pulses into the loud headphones. A few other bodies are around her in the chair.

I laugh, and say into the hanging microphone: "Thanks."

"I want to do a cover with you," Ashton says, and I can see his silhouette through the dark glass.

"Pick a song and I'll sing it with you," I cock my head.

"Really?" He asks, sounding excited.

"Of course," I chuckle.

"Come on out," Ella now says. I take of the headphones and place them on a barstool near me and walk over cords and wires to the door.

Michael, Luke, Calum and Ashton are in the room.

"I think this cover is going to be really good," Michael clicks a pen he had in his hand. He was friends with Halsey (Ashley) and I've met her a few times, so I assumed his opinion on one of her songs would be accurate.

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