Chapter 16:

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June 2021

Overtime, I let Rhett and I's friendship drift away. I knew it was for the best though, because if it truly bothered Calum enough for his best friend to figuratively come and give me a wake up call, I knew it should've never even started.

I also knew I struggled with my feelings after that day. Had Calum really shown signs that I'd been so blind to before? I knew the kiss at Disneyland caught me offguard, and the shivers he let off when I touched his bare skin weren't normal.

Maybe Calum was screaming my name over and over again while staring at me, like he was repeating "Just love me already" every time we locked eyes. I don't know, all I know is that I'm an idiot.

Why couldn't Ella say anything? She had this 'power' - As we liked to call it - where she could read people's feelings like she was reciting a poem for the thousandth time. Maybe she knew and was chuckling at us as the seconds ticked by.

Damn you, Daniella Rose.

I ponder of a time when I let my emotions get the best of me- The day I discovered Dominic- and knew it was one of the best and worst days of my life. I know I never want to feel heartbreak again, or suffer over a stupid guy ever again. And I hoped Calum would never do that to me, because I wouldn't be able to handle it a second time around.

But deep, deep down in my jaded and taped-back-together heart, I knew I could love again- And that's what I feared most about this situation.

I forced myself not to care too, too much about anybody after Dominic, and I also think that might be a reason why I had so many nightmares about my family; Because I feared everyone I loved would leave me at one point or another.

And, to make matters worse, a knock sounded on my apartment door, forcing my eyes to stop staring at the five o'clock news and to look towards the door across the room.

I wasn't expecting anyone, so I quickly fixed my hair a little bit and pulled my big t-shirt down over my jeggings.

Of course it was him, it was always him— Calum. He looked like he'd lost a lot of sleep since the last time I'd seen him last week; Calum's wavy hair was sticking up a little as if he just got out of bed and his eyes were still sleepy.

"Can I come in?" He asks in a pleading tone after we stare at each other for a few seconds.

I nod, opening the door. Calum slowly stumbles in and when I close the door behind him, he pulls me into a huge hug. His hands firmly hold my waist area and he sways me around a little bit. His head was nestled into my neck, and sometimes Calum would move causing his nose to rub against my neck.

I find myself taken offguard, but then wrap my own arms around him and close my eyes.

"I leave for tour soon, in a few days actually," He says, and I can feel his lips touching my bare skin. Oh, God.

"I know," I murmur back, holding my eyes closed tightly, hoping my emotions wouldn't come out right here, right now.

This was nice, just us two being alone. I'd have to admit, ever since his hatred for Rhett started in January, we slowly stopped talking and hanging out. We went two weeks without contact- The longest time period ever. Of course, we came back together, but this hug just seemed to put all the pieces of our friendship back together.

"I know that things have been kind of awkward between us..." Calum starts, but I cut him off and say:

"Just stop talking and soak in this moment before you go."

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