Chapter 18:

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September 2021

It has been four months since Calum left. We talked almost every day and had new things about, like stories about insane fans or things that.

It was different, we talked just as we would, just there was an eating in my stomach that kept thinking about our last moments together before he was forced away. I was almost positive he was thinking about it too, the way he awkwardly ended or started things.

But, I felt more lonely than usual. Ella had left for her own tour just last month. She clutched me and hugged me many, many times, and apologized for leaving me over and over again. She wanted to be there for me emotionally, but I told her I would be fine.

Ella pursed her lips, hugged me one last time, and told me that love was patience and that waiting was necessary. She disappeared from my apartment and was driven to the airport.

I wanted to go with her, but it was the same airport I last saw Calum in, and when he returns is the next time I want to step in that building.

I find myself deep in thought about these things more often than a normal person would want, so, I packed my things and drove back home.

What, don't all 24 year-olds take random trips back home, too?

I warned Terra, but I wanted to surprise my dad. I hadn't seen him in a few months, and he appreciated surprises.

On that day, I woke up early so I'd make it home around lunch, packed some of my things, and drove up north to the Central Valley.

That was a good day. I had seen my dad and sister smile so widely- Such a proud smile. That proud smile was a little early, though.

We were sitting on the couch of our old house an hour into my visit when I received a phone call.

I looked to Terra who only shrugged. Sighing, I answered it.


It was a secretary, from a record deal. She'd said the name, but it blurred out of my memory almost instantly.

I recognized the name, because it was one of the biggest music labels in the entire world. The secretary talked about appointments and meeting with a talent manager. She said that three were interested in my taste, and I had to pick which one I wanted to represent me.

I ended up putting it on speakerphone because I couldn't hold my hand still. I placed my phone on my shaky thigh as she continued to talk and congratulate me.

My heart was beating like a hummingbird's. My two family members grinned wildly at me as I talked with a shaky voice. When I hung up the phone, Terra grabbed my shoulders and shook them violently while saying: "You got a record deal! You've gotten a record deal!"

The three of us stood up and hugged, gripping each other tightly. I was crying, and so is my dad and sister.

I'd waited my entire life for this; The moment I picked up a guitar and a microphone I've wanted this. This isn't a self-recorded EP, anymore- I have the chance to make a professionally produced album. The thought of this makes my knees weak.

"I knew your chance would come along!" My father cries.

I nodded excitedly and pushed my face into Terra's shoulder, happily weeping.

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