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Anna was tired. Yes, she could use the fact that she had to go to college and then not going back home, but to Haley's party instead. However, she didn't want to be involved in any other discussion. That's what she was explaining to her friend, who was upset.

- Haley I can't do anything. I'm so sorry! With this entire situation with your bag and that girl who is my sister... My mother is freaking out. The only reason I'm outside the house it's because I had classes to go.

She had her head on James' leg. He was weirdly quiet, not bragging himself to anyone... All was forgiven between he and Anna, they were always fighting like Tom and Jerry but always ended up looking like Wood and Buzz Lightyear on the second Toy Story movie.

The three of them were really close friends, and although Haley was Anna's best friend, Jim had a strong connection with her as well - even that they fight as much as exchanged confidences. He had helped her to move on from Ryan, but they never assumed a commitment. They were friends with benefits, and have been a while since they use it. They got along better when not romantically involved.

- Argh. You know that those pills aren't mine, right?

- Yeah... I wish Margot could be more careful. Or stop using that shit.

- Fine, you're right, but what can I do? And you're going tonight right, Jim?

- Sure! How could I miss it? It's not as if I had a psycho sister or a drug problem... Ouch!

Anna had hit him in the leg, but she was laughing. She was pissed as hell with Barbra, and so was Haley, but James thought they were overreacting and Barbra wasn't pure evil as they say. Still he was being supportive, even if in a sarcastic way.

- So, have you talk to her yet?
Haley asked.

- Not really, I've been avoiding her since yesterday. I'm looking like a fugitive in my own house.

- Awful.

- I wish you were going to the party! Everybody it's going to be there.

- True. It's not the same without you.

- You guys are so sweet today, what's going on?

They were laughing. Haley got a text from Margot, asking her to meet her at the park near college, and then it was only James and the blond girl.

- I think I'll skip the last class. I'm so freaking tired, don't even know why I came here today...

- You missed half classes... Don't be such a lazy person, you're already here.

She rolled her eyes.

- Since when you're all like the perfect college boy?

He laughed with neglect.

- I'm not, but aren't you tired? I just want to make sure nothing it's going to stop me from graduate. Then I can use my perfect smile to be a toothpaste model or my abs to a Calvin Klein underwear campaign?

He wondered, daydreaming. Anna knew it sounded a lot like something he would do, but for those who really knew him, it was a fact that he was madly in love with production engineer. He might be egocentric, but he also says things just for show.
She was siting aside to him now, and it felt nice for her not to being stressed or thinking about her problems. He was kind of predicting her intentions, so he said, as convinced as always:

- If you're intending to kiss me I hope you have at least brushed your teeth. I saw that burger you and Haley were eating earlier.

She wasn't surprised. James was vegetarian ever since he was 10, nothing extreme, he only refused to eat animal flesh, but he drinks milk, eats eggs, and all that. But he had a true aversion to eat animals. It was because of one summer that he spent with his grandmother. She lived in a house with a big yard, and she liked to plant her own vegetables, and whatever she could have organically. Once she was planning to do roast chicken for dinner, and he saw it when she was picking one of the ones that lived in her yard. That traumatized him forever.

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