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- excuse me, Mr. Parker, can I talk to you for a second?

Samuel had said, after a door knock. Ryan, who had just turned off the phone from an important - and exhaustive - call, nodded a yes, with a tired air.

The big office seemed even bigger when it was under the daylight, that always shined the room trough the giant windows that were there. Samuel walk for a while, before he got in front of the big table where Ryan was standing, on his daily routine, analyzing statistics, numbers, and information.

- Sam, you don't need to call me "sir" when I'm alone here. It's just a formality in front of the others employers, you know?

- Yeah man, but I like the way it sounds.

He said, a little too informal, but with much respect. Ryan and Samuel were friends in college, but they usually saw each other only on a few meets that people of their graduating class used to promote.

However, things had changed about 3 years ago, when Ryan - who, on a moment of bore, had left the building to go eat a hot dog on the park - saw him sleeping drunk on the street, dirty and seeming homeless.

He tried to wake him up, but he refused. So he called Haley, who was mad and relieved at the same time, that said he was missing for the past couple days.

Ryan stood there until Haley arrived, and he asked how this happened. She said her brother had no objectives in life, and wanted to party hard and get stoned, not caring about getting a job, because he thought he would have lots of time to do it. She said that this was maybe "acceptable" for a young adult, but there was no charm at all on a 27 years old man alcoholic, living in his mother house, without perspective of life.

Ryan, touched by the situation, and thinking about the old times when they used to hang out, helped Haley to pay for a good rehab clinic, and had offered a assistant job for Samuel, once he got better.

At first, he refused. He was so ashamed of his situation. But after a lot of talk, he had realized that Ryan wasn't feeling sorry for him, he was offering a chance of starting over. So he took it.

- Tell me what do you want?

- Well, although I'm not your hot secretary, Ms. Barbra had call me - and all the employers, to be more specific - about a thousand times asking for you.

He said, a little worried. Ryan took a deep breath. Barbra was starting to think of Ryan as a baby machine, since she thought she was pregnant, but it was only a steric pregnancy. He knew that their marriage had been a little shaking, but he wished that she would stop to think that if they had a baby things would be fixed instantaneously.

- Thank you. Tell you haven't seen me if she calls again.

- Ryan, I don't want to be in the middle of this, but you know it's just a matter of time until she comes here. You haven't seen her in two days.

The couch of Ryan's office knew it. After saying that, Samuel left the room, and Ryan decided to think about Barbra only when she arrives. As Samuel had said, it was just a matter of time.


- Isabella, come say hello to your auntie!

Barbra had said, shaking her hands to encourage the little girl to come. Isabella was running right to her arms, and Barbra gave her lots of kisses and a right hug.

She was crazy about the little girl, and she was really mad when Anna refused to give her as a goddaughter, choosing to make Haley the godmother of the little Isabella. The girl was everyone's apple of the eyes.

Barbra had picked her up on kindergarten today because Anna was busy, meeting lawyers. Evan was very close to his daughter, but he and Anna couldn't have a reasonable talk, and he said he was ask for full custody. Anna was very injured. Her baby girl meant the world to her, and she wasn't willing to give it to Evan.

So she needed a lot of help lately. Barbra and their parents were always doing their best to help. Anna was very uncomfortable with Barbra being so close to her daughter - although these past years the peace had finally come between them, Anna had freaked out a few years ago, when she discovered a couple of things that Barbra had made against her -, but she was a really good aunt, so she stop worrying about it.

- Mommy, we're home!

Said Barbra, when she entered Anna's house.

- Hey sweetie!

- Mommy!

Isabella throw herself over Anna, already tired, ready for a nap.

- Thank you for pick her up.

- It was my pleasure.

- Yeah.

- How did things went with the lawyers?

- They think he can make it. There's plant of things against me on gossip websites, and he's very influential, you know.

- Yes.

Barbra said, worried. Anna was so down, and in the past two years she has been trough a lot. She used to be confident, fun and bright, but now it was kind of hard to say those words about her.

- Barbra, you're still friend with him. Can't you... Can you please talk to him?

- I'll do my best.

Anna nodded a yes. Barbra said goodbye, and Anna putted Isabella on bed.

Later that night, her phone ringed. It was Daniel.

"Hey, Anna."


"What's with that voice? Have you seen that note about you? Don't be mad over this, they're just shit people who wins money making lies about everyone."

"What note?"

"Damn it..."

"Say it! I was figure by myself anyway."

That was true. She wasn't famous, but being ex-wife of a rockstar was enough to be followed by a few cameras.

"There's a picture of you, standing next to a car, and one of your lawyers is right in front of you, and you're looking down, and it's a really bad angle, make it seems like you're kissing... And the call it's "Is our favorite ex-wife sleeping with her lawyer?"

Anna was really furious.

"What the hell! Can't I stay in peace for a day? Crap!"

"Anna, calm down! Where's my goddaughter?"

"She's sleeping."

"Please, stay calm. If she wakes up and see you this way she'll be sad."

"I know, but I'm so tired Dan, I just want to runaway."

She said with a really low voice. He could tell she was crying.

"Anna, it's gonna be okay. Do you want me to stop by?"

"No, I don't want any other pictures today."

"Ok. There's something I can do for you?"

She made a pause before she answered.

"Can you tell me when this hell will be over?"


SPOTTED: Anna and Jake Brandon, the lawyer, flirting at the day light! Is our favorite blondie finally getting back to her old shape? (Read more)

MAJOR DISS: "What? So now he will refuse to let me play those songs? And refuses to speak with me? This bastard will hear it all from here in that case" Caleb Ehrlich tells us everything about Evan Harris' bad behavior! (Read more)

HOT MESS: Evan Harris is caught drunk at 5 a.m. doing serenades to homeless people at the center of city! What was he wearing? (Read more)



Sunday I'll upload again!

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