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All songs from The Multiverse Mystery were writer by me and are registered by Brazilian Copyright Office. I do not allow any kind of reproduction. Thanks for understanding.

It was Monday again. Barbra's less favorite day of the week. After the thing with Ryan's father, the girl couldn't get away from a headache that stayed with her. She was worry and stressed, not in the mood of having classes. She had stopped by to see Evan before she had to go to college.

- So, how can Anna watch your band rehearsals but I don't?

She was quite upset when she heard about it.

- That was a one-time thing...

- Fine.

Barbra said with disdain.

- Stooop!

- Yeah... Why's that name anyway?

- Oh, that was Dylan's choice. We didn't have a name until after three months later that the band started. He was dating a girl named Camila about 4 years, and she had always supported him in other bands that he played. But right after we started she was too sick to be in our rehearsals, she only came to our first show.

- That's awful... But you don't explained yet.

- We only played because she insisted a lot, but then we remember that we didn't have a name... So by the time we were on stage, Dylan took the microphone and said: "Hey guys, this is The Multiverse Mystery for the first time ever", and when the concert was over we asked him about the name, and he said looking to Camila "The theory of the multiverse says that in every single one of them we are living all the possibilities to things that can happen in our lives. But I know there is no way that I would be without you in any other universe. And that's a problem because in some of them we supposed to never even met, or not being together. That's the mystery, how my love for you defies the laws of the multiverse. I could never live without you, Camila"

Barbra had tears in her eyes.

- That's so beautiful. What about her?

- She had a really bad pneumonia; she recovered and went home but... It's ridiculous to say, because I can't believe until this day how unfair it was. She died on a car crush when she was leaving the hospital with her father. He only had a few bruisers, but the other car hit right on her side.

- Oh my God, Evan! That's so sad!

- I know.

- But Dylan seems ok now, right?

- It happened almost three years ago.

He got over the grief, but he doesn't like to talk about it. It's not like if he pretended that this never happened, he always talk about her when he sees something that she would like or whatever...

- This must be so hard.

- Yes... I'm just glad that he wasn't afraid of live his life again. I never saw someone who loved the other person as much as he loved her. It was something magical. She will always be a part of him.

- Did he date someone after...?

- Last year he started to date Emily, and he seems happy. She knows about Camila, and she understands how important she was. She respects her. It's a great girl.

- That's so nice to hear.

Barbra was heartbroken, and Evan looked crestfallen. He wasn't hidden his tears.

- Do you want to hear the song he wrote about her?

- Yes.

- It's called The Multiverse Mystery Calling.

She smiled. She was expecting a really sad and depressive melody, but it was a smooth and beautiful thing instead.

Little did I know
About what I have asked
And when you came around this was all
I could imagine

Did I ask
For an angel to guide me in this messed up universe
I see your smile and I know it's for real
Don't need to open my eyes to see that you're here
Now you're gone
But the memory of your face remained for so long

I cry when denied my faith
It's not right to let it go
All I'll never do is say goodbye

This is the mystery of the multiverse calling
I guess you didn't belonged in here
Still I can't accept the fact
And somehow I know in all the others we are connected

Cause there is nothing more to do
When destination is after you
I know
I couldn't exist without you to complete my world

How could I forget the light
Would I ever be touched again with the sunshine
Did I felt underneath my skin the signals
That you have been here?

We're living on an interconnected cycle of life
Where there's no other world that we wouldn't find
Us waiting
Cause we are the bond that they can't break it

- That was beautiful!

He smiled. Barbra was now crying. She was thinking about Ryan's father, and how much she wanted to be with Ryan now. She was feeling lonely; he had spent many hours at the hospital today because of his father's healthy.
Evan was being a good friend, being there for her, and she truly appreciated the fact. Just when she thought it would be her chance to relax... Her week of tests on college was over, and she knew she had gone well. But Ryan's dad moving to the hospital shook her structures.

Evan said:

- Hey... Don't be sad! It will be fine.
He put his hand on her shoulder.

- I hope so.

They smiled.

- Come on, I have to work now.

- Fine. Let's go.

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