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Evan's POV

There's a hell of a difference between being polite and suck it up everything just to make things seems right, when they clearly aren't.

I guess it's been a long way for me since I succeed on my music career, to now, when I'm better known than I ever wanted. This has changed me a lot. You need to learn to act on automatic mode if you didn't want to go nuts. What a shitty thought. Probably a middle age crises. 

I'm having Anna today. I couldn't think of something that I want to do less. I'm trying to finish the song to "Straight From Heaven", the first album of that crap new boy band, and I can't help feel jealous of them. At least they will be singing for an audience, while I'm stuck writing songs for people who will be forget from a year. I blame Caleb for it.

Everyday I open my email or whatever, there are a bunch of links to his multiple interviews dishing me. It's like if this is his new job. Seriously. I think the only thing that kept him to completely take over The Multiverse Mystery when we went huge, was his leak of ability to sing. But it came to a point where it was too much. Well, he clearly didn't knew his place anymore. I do sound a little egocentric, but after being elected the sexiest man of the world 3 times, best singer of the year 2 consecutive times, the man of the year 1 time and the most influential young artist, you'd just assume I have the right to be.

I just have finished my last cigarette, and I need to remember Alan to by me a new stock. Speaking of him...

- Sir, you need to open the curtains, let some light in. You may be allergic to light if you continue to spend all days in the dark.

- Well, you're not my parent, do what you're paid for.

- I'm sorry sir, I can't help these manners when you're behaving like a spoiled child.

Alan says, in his aggressive-polite way. I must admit I hate being contradict or insulted, and that's probably why the press pictures me as a problematic guy with a huge ego. Probably I would've fight back if it was someone else, but Alan is just a trustable person that I need to keep.

- By the way, that reporter called again. She wants to confirm your interview today.

I don't remember... Oh, right! Interview... If she could, she would find an excuse to interview me everyday... I can't stand this today, so I say:

- Tell Vanessa I'm busy. And I'm not home for everyone, except you-know-who.

Vanessa was now, in fact, it's been a few years, a reporter. I remember I freaked out when we were on our second tour and we're supposed to met a reporter to a promotional interview, and there she was.

"- What are you doing here?

- I'm going to interview the band.

- Since when you're a reporter?

She gave me a proud smile.

- This is my first year. When you guys went huge, I realize it was a lasting thing, so I did a second graduating and here I am.

- Yeah... Congrats... So you did it because you're a fan?

- No silly, I did it because it was the best way to get close to you.

Caleb whispered "does she has a voodoo doll as well?" in the back. Vanessa rolled her eyes. I was scared.

- Huh...

That's all I could say.

- Don't worry Evan, this will be purely professional."

She didn't lied, but was still awkward to have her following me around. But I'm glad because she's engaged now, so I don't need to worry about being kidnaping.

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