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- So, have you proclaimed your love for Evan already?
Haley asked to mess with her friend.
- Stop it! I told you I will only say this when he returns...
- Oh, God! Look at this sparkle in your eyes!
- You annoy me so much.
They laugh. They were leaving the last class of the day, and both of them were exhaust. Haley stopped walking suddenly, as if she had reminded something crucial.
- What's wrong with you? Move!
- Honey, what are you going to say to James?
Anna stared at her confused.
- About what?
Haley took a deep breath. Anna didn't like the way her friend was looking at her.
- What do you think? I know you guys don't have anything official, but I seriously think that he is totally going on this direction.
She was right. James wasn't a fool, he wouldn't say this to Anna until he was completely sure that she liked him as well. But spending so much time with her - acting like valentines - had made him not as careful as usually, and so old feelings had grew inside him again. Anna was avoiding this topic to let it out of her sub conscience because she didn't want to face the fact.
- Yeah... I don't know, maybe-
- Listen, you know I'm with you until death, but you can't play him like that. He's our friend Anna, be honest with him. You owe him this.
- Argh. I hate when you're right.
- Kim, I should probably go now. I don't even know how I let you convince me to be at the beach in the middle of the week! I still have classes today!
- Geez, relax! Just enjoy that you're here and put some color on that skin, you're like a blond Snow White, for god sake!
That was Kim's cousin talking. Barbra had no idea why she came along, she wasn't her biggest fan and Kim was aware of the fact. As much as Barbra wanted to be rude with her, she just gave her a fake smile and sit in the sand, filling herself with sun block.
- Things are better in your house?
Kim had asked while her cousin was buying some water.
- Yeah... My parents are still mad about the Daniel thing, he went to a hotel that night, but he finally got the keys of the house he rented so... My mom is the worst; she can barely talk with me and Anna.
- Wow... What about Ryan?
- He's even more a workaholic if that's possible.
Her voice tone was enough to kill that topic.
- You guys are like twins!
She rolled her eyes.
- Oh! Pray for me! I'm this close to get a internship and it's on a really great company!
- That's great! You will get it, who could be better than you?
She gave her a honestly happy smile. Amber was back, and two guys were coming with her.
- Hey girls, these are my friends Fred and Sean.
- What's up?
- Hey.
They said. Barbra smiled politely at they and Kim was killing her cousin with her eyes. She hated how Amber always ended up bringing strangers to stay with them.
Barbra was sure now why she didn't like Amber: she was loud and silly. She was basically acting like crazy, telling really bad jokes and talking way too loud, not to mention her trying to make the guys paying attention on her by doing anything. From move her hair 5 times for second to squeeze her shoulders so much to make her boobs look bigger that her bikini was almost out of place.
It was working with one of the boys, who weren't really interested on what she had to say, but hopefully if he pretending well to care, she would go out with him later. But the other one was trying not to be rude while his focus was on somebody else.
He was looking very shy at the direction that she and Kim were, and Barbra was convinced that he was looking at her.
She gave him a small smile, and he politely smiled back, blushing for being spotted, but he moved his eyes very soon and Barbra realized that he was actually staring at Kim. He seemed a really sweet guy, and she didn't have any reasons to complain, after all, she had a boyfriend already. However, by Kim's question she realized that her face wasn't befitting with her thoughts.
- What's wrong?
- Huh?
- You were making a strange face...
- Oh, it was nothing.
She smiled at Kim and they focused on enjoying the sun. Barbra couldn't wait any longer to be around her books, it had been a long day.
"Where are you?"
"La Cantina"
It was a Italian restaurant.
"By yourself?"
"No, with other two hot chicks, we are planning to recreate the Lady and the Tramp classic spaghetti scene"
"In this case I hope you die choking. You're pathetic."
"Lol. Tell me what you want"
"We need to talk..."
It had been almost five minutes until James reply it.
Anna took a deep breath.
"Can you stop by my place?"
"I'll be there on 10"
She was nervous. She knew it was the right thing to do, but still... Haley was right, he deserved the truth. What was the point of being with him, if when Evan came back she would dump him anyway? "That was awful", she thought about her previous thought.
James had arrived and Anna was to talk with him outside.
- I'm assuming this won't be good.
He was trying to play it cool, but it was possible to see that he was a little apprehensive.
- Jim... I don't know what we are doing, but we need to stop.
He was quiet for a moment.
- Why's that now? What have changed?
- Nothing, it's just... It's not right. You deserve to be with someone that-
- Anna, we're not together...
- I know, but I think we should go back to regular friends.
- Do you meet somebody else?
She looked uncomfortable at him.
- Kind of.
- I see.
She took his hands, but he didn't look her in the eye.
- Hey, I don't want you to be mad at me, we're cool right?
- I'm not mad at you,
He said, letting go of her hand
- But I can't be around you now Anna, it's way too hard if I can't touch you. I don't want to be just friends.
He said. He was a little melancholic while he said those words, and Anna was surprised by its meaning. He kissed her, a kiss full of passion and emotion, and she took a while to react.
- Jim, I'm sorry.
He nodded a yes.
- Please, I'll be back once I'm ready, but don't rush this. I need time to get over you.
And just like that he leaves, and Anna had tears on her eyes. These things were way too complicated to such a simple request. She only hoped to have made the right choice.

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